跟踪者Stalker 第23期:疑点重重(在线收听

 I just spent the last 3 hours at Hannah's high school.  我在汉娜的高中待了三个小时

I was expecting this whole flashback scenario.  还以为会回忆起高中时代的生活
Nothing. I don't recognize high school anymore.  可是什么都没有,对高中生活毫无印象
Who are those people?  那里面都是谁呢
Did Hannah have any conflicts with other students?  汉娜和同学起过争执吗
Counselors, friends all say hannahis a good girl...  辅导老师和她的朋友们都说她是个好姑娘
No trouble, smart,high gpa, doesn't date.  不惹事,聪明,成绩好,没有男朋友
There are no boys in the picture,which is weird.  照片里一个男生都没有,很奇怪
Why?  为什么
Because she'sa little hottie tottie  她也算是个正妹吧
and little hottie totties always have a guy.  正妹身边永远不缺男友
What is that?  那是什么
The evidence from Barnes' laptop.  从巴恩斯电脑里得到的证据
Man, this guy took a lot of photos.  我的乖乖,这家伙可拍了不少照片
LAPD threat assessment unit.  洛杉矶警署威胁评估部门
One moment.  稍等
Can I help you?  需要帮助吗
I'd like to speak to Lieutenant Beth Davis.  我想找副队长贝丝·戴维斯
Your name?  你叫什么名字
Perry.  佩里
Am I interrupting?  打扰到你了吗
This is so wrong.  太不对劲了
How does this not violate his probation?  为什么这样都不算是违反缓刑
It's not defined in his paperwork.  他的缓刑文件里没有这一条
I mean, technically,he can take  严格来说  
all the personal photos he wants in a public setting.  他可以在公共场合随便拍摄个人照片
Are we sure Barnes is our guy?  巴恩斯真的是我们要抓的人吗
What do you mean?  什么意思
According to his original arrest report,  根据他之前的逮捕报告来看
Barnes wasa kindly neighbor.  巴恩斯是个友善的邻居
He let the local girls play in his yard,  他让住在附近的女孩在他家院子里玩
even bought them a trampoline  还给她们买了蹦床
Until one day,   直到有一天
he drugged a girl's lemonade and raped her.  他往一个女孩的柠檬汁里下药并强奸了她
So he doesn't like confrontation.  所以他不喜欢别人正面反抗
So why break into a house?  又怎么会闯入别人家呢
I mean, it seems too brazen.  似乎太无所顾忌了
Pedophiles are like addicts.  恋童癖和吸毒者很像
Rarely do they change their M.O.s.  很少改变惯用手法
That was forensics.  法医打来的
None of Barnes' shoes were a match  巴恩斯的所有鞋子
for the boot print in the mccoys' flower bed.  都与麦考伊家花坛里的鞋印不符
I'm telling you, I mean,this Barnes is a bad dude,  我觉得,巴恩斯的确不是好人
but is he the guy we're looking for?  但他真是我们要抓的人吗
Hannah said someone was following,  汉娜说有人跟踪她
someone in a hoodie, size 10 1/2 boot,  一个穿着帽衫的人,鞋码十号半
he sat in the tree house watching.  那个人坐在树屋里观察她
Do we have pictures of the house from the tree's point of view?  有没有从树屋角度看屋内的照片
The tree's point of view? Is the tree a suspect?  树屋的角度,那棵树是嫌疑犯吗
Is this the hostility you were talking about?  这就是你说的敌意吗