跟踪者Stalker 第28期:女绑架犯(在线收听

 We're here, James.  我们到了,詹姆斯

We're home.  我们到家了
I want my mommy.  我要妈妈
Aw, honey, mommy is right here.  宝贝,妈妈就在这里
Oh, you look so sleepy. Did you have a nice nap?  你好像还没睡够,你刚才睡好了吗
You shouldn't have drank all that cough syrup.  你不该喝那么多止咳糖浆
You know it's not like candy, sweetie.  你知道那不是糖,宝贝
I'll be right back.  我一会就回来
Don't you go anywhere.  乖乖待着别乱跑
No! Please! No!  不,求你了,不要
No!  不
Who are you...  你是谁
And what the hell are you doing in my house?  你在我家干什么
Who are you...  你是谁
And what are you doing in my house?  你在我家干什么
Look. If you don't get out...  听着,你要是不出去的话