跟踪者Stalker 第30期:问询彼得森先生(在线收听

 I'm sorry.  抱歉

I wish I could help, but I haven't seen Judith since we divorced.  我也想帮忙,但是自离婚后我就再没见过朱蒂丝
Which is right after your son died.  就在你们儿子死后
Yes, but things weren't good between us before that.  是的,但是在那之前我们就不太融洽了
She was...  她...
Impulsive?  很冲动
Emotionally unstable?  情绪不稳定
One minute, she hated me.The next was total love.  前一秒她恨我,下一秒又非常爱我
She had problems.  她有问题
Mr. Peterson, do you have any idea where she might have gone?  彼得森先生,你知不知道她可能去哪
I'm sorry. I don't.  抱歉,不知道
I understand your son was 7 when he drowned.  你儿子被淹死时是七岁对吧
He and Judith were in a rowboat on echo park lake.  他和朱蒂丝去回声公园湖划船
James fell in.  詹姆斯掉进湖里
But you're not so sure that's what happened.  但你不确定事情真相是这样
Of course I am. It was a terrible accident.  当然是这样,那是可怕的事故
According to her medical records,  根据她的医疗记录
Judith was diagnosed   朱蒂丝在20多岁时
with antisocial personality disorder in her 20s.  被诊断出患有反社会型人格障碍
Yes, but she was very good at keeping upon her medication.  是的,但她一直都有乖乖服药
And you filed for divorce 6 weeks before James died?  在詹姆斯死前六周,你提出了离婚
How did she take the news?  她对这事接受情况如何
Not well.  不太好
She lashed out, became depressed.  她非常生气,变得抑郁
It's possible she blamed James  有可能她将你们婚姻的结束
for the demise of your relationship.  怪罪于詹姆斯
If you're suggesting that Judith had anything to do with...  你是说那次意外有可能是朱蒂丝...
You're in denial, Derek.  你拒绝接受现实,德里克
You don't want to think she could hurt your son  你不想认为她可能伤害了你的儿子
because that would mean you weren't there for him as a father.  因为那就意味着你没能做到父亲的职责
But you know the truth,  但你知道真相
don't you, Mr. Peterson?  不是吗,彼得森先生
I thought, but there was never any proof.  我想过,但根本没有证据
Who would do something like that?  谁会做出这样的事情
Maybe she was desperate to save her marriage,  也许她迫切地想要拯救他们的婚姻
and when that didn't work out, all she had left was guilt.  但没能成功时,她就只剩下内疚
Seeing Thomas brought back the ghost of James.  看到汤姆斯就让她看到了詹姆斯的影子
It eased the pain, a psychotic delusion  这能减轻痛苦,被压抑的记忆
brought on by a repressed memory.  导致了妄想精神病
Which fueled her obsession.  从而刺激了她的执迷
Mr. Peterson,  彼得森先生
Where were you and Judith living at the time?  当时你和朱蒂丝住在哪里
A couple blocks from where he drowned.  离他淹死的地方隔了一两条街
Address?  地址呢
1217 Terrace Drive.  特勒斯大道1217号