跟踪者Stalker 第42期:杰克负伤(在线收听

 Hey, dad.  爸爸

What are you doing up?  你怎么还醒着
I wanted to see you.  我想见你
You want a ride?  你想要背背吗
Sure.  当然
Come on.  上来吧
Can I help you?  有什么事吗
I'm lieutenant Beth Davis.  我是副队长贝丝·戴维斯
Who's at home with you, Mrs. Santos?  家里除了你还有谁,桑托斯太太
My husband and son.  老公和儿子
All right. Will you step outside, please?  好的,你能站到屋子外面来吗
Please.  拜托
Jack?  杰克
Jack.  杰克
He's here.  他在这里
He's running!  他逃了
Move! He's running!  快点,他逃了
You're bleeding.  你在流血
I'm fine.  我没事