跟踪者Stalker 第46期:吉米被抓(在线收听

 Any sign of Silas?  有赛拉斯出现的迹象吗

We have men all over this place.  我们的人手遍布整个医院
Where's Jimmy Lambert?  吉米·兰伯特在哪
I saw him around 20 minutes ago.  大概20分钟前我见过他
He went down that hallway.  他往走廊方向去了
I thought he had goneto grab something to eat.  我觉得他是找吃的去了
And that's the last time you saw him?  这是你最后一次看见他吗
Yeah.  是的
Keep Miss Holt safe.  保护好霍特小姐
You two, with me.  你们俩,跟我来
Come on. Wake up. No sleeping.  好了,起来,别睡了
We need to talk, Jimmy.  吉米,咱们需要谈谈
I think you have something you want to tell me.  我认为你还有事情想和我说
Why are you doing this?  你为何要这么做
You know why.  你很清楚原因
Your lies have come home to roost.  你的谎言让你遭到报应了
Huh? How's it feel?  这感觉怎么样
Got no fight in you now, do you, huh?  现在没力气反抗了对吧
Are you ready to tell me the truth?  你准备好告诉我真相了吗
Because I really...oh, god, Jimmy!  因为我真的...天吶,吉米
I need to hear the truth.  我真的很需要听到真相
I know that that kid had a gun.  我知道那孩子有枪
Wake up!  醒醒