跟踪者Stalker 第47期:杰克射杀马丁(在线收听

 Wake up, Jimmy! Hmm?  吉米,醒醒

Come on, Jimmy? What'd you do with the gun, huh?  振作起来,吉米,你对那把枪做了什么
Who moved the gun? Tell me!  是谁把枪藏起来了,告诉我
I know that that kid-that kid had a gun, Jimmy.  吉米,我知道那孩子...身上有枪
There was no gun. We looked.  我们查过了,没有枪
You're lying, Jimmy.  你骗人,吉米
Why do you keep lying?  为什么你要一直撒谎
I saw a gun in his hand.  我看到他手里有枪
He was gonna shoot me.  他正要朝我开枪
Did my daughter have a gun, too?  我女儿是不是也有枪
That's your fault.  这是你的错
That was your fault, Jimmy.  这是你的错,吉米
That is your fault.  这是你的错 
You made me do that.  是你逼我这么做的
There's a gun aimed at your back.  现在有把枪指着你后背
Turn around, put your hands up.  转过来,把手举起来
I said put your hands up.  我让你把手举起来
I'm in O.R.6. I got Silas and Jimmy.  我在六号急诊室,赛拉斯和吉米都在
Get some help in here.  派点人过来帮忙
How's she doing?  她怎么样了
The doctors induced a coma  医生采用了诱导性昏迷
while they wait for the swelling in her brain to go down, 希望用这段时间让她脑部的肿块消掉
but they're hopeful.  他们对病情表示乐观
You okey, Jimmy? Doctors check you out?  你还好吗,吉米,让医生检查过了吗
Yeah, I'm all right.  是的,我没事
I just can't help thinking that...  我只是忍不住去想...
There is nothing more you could have done.  你也无能为力
All that matters now is that Cara makes it.  现在最重要的是卡拉能挺过来
Well, she has to, and when she wakes up,  她一定能,而且等她醒过来后
we're gonna have a wedding, right, Terry?  我们还要举行婚礼,对吧,泰利