跟踪者Stalker 第50期:帕特森报警(在线收听

 If you find yourself alone with an attacker, unfortunately if we're being realistic, 如果只身一人面对攻击者,我们必须正视这样一个不幸的事实

we're not as strongas they are.  我们在体力上不如他们
So what we want to do is we want to be able to learn how to use their movement, 所以我们需要做的就是学会如何利用他们的动作
their momentum, and their body strength against them.  他们的势头和力道来击败他们
I'm on my way.  我马上到
What do we got?  什么情况
Kristin Patterson, 32, single, lives alone, attacked last night by an intruder. 克里斯汀·帕特森,32岁,单身独住,昨晚遭遇侵入者袭击
Came home to find all her lights tampered with.  回家后发现所有的电灯都被动了手脚
Guy had night vision goggles.  那家伙带了夜视镜
No sexual assault?  没发生性侵犯吗
No. She told the responding officer she thought she was being stalked 没有,她对警方说她觉得一直被人跟踪
but never filed a report.  但从来没有向警方申诉
He put the hood on my head and dragged me down the hallway. 他用兜帽蒙住我的头将我拖到门厅
I thought he was gonna rape me and then kill me.  我以为他会将我先奸后杀
I was terrified.  我吓坏了
The drapes were closed, and he'd moved the furniture, 窗帘都被拉了起来,他还把家具都挪了位
so I was tripping and falling all over the place.  所以我不停地被绊倒
He rearranged the furniture?  他移动了你的家具
I was lost in my own house.  我在自己家都找不到路了
It's ok.  没事了
Please take your time.  慢慢来
He started taunting me, saying it was just the dark, 然后他开始嘲弄我,说不过是黑点而已
but it was pitch black.  但真的是伸手不见五指
I was so scared.  我真的吓死了
I know it was dark, but did anything stand out?  我知道当时很黑,但你有注意到什么特殊之处吗
I saw a small red light.  我看见一个小红点
He was filming you.  他在拍你