跟踪者Stalker 第53期:被塞进后备箱的扎克(在线收听

 You ok?  你还好吗

Yeah.  好
Get an ambulance.  去叫救护车
And after Kristin went inside, what happened?  克里斯汀进去以后,发生了什么
I heard something from the side yard, so I went to check it out. 我听到院子里传来声音,就想出去检查一下
And you saw someone?  你看到人了吗
I saw a guy by the window.  看到窗边有一个人
Did you see his face?  你看到他的脸了吗
No. It was dark, and when he saw me,  没看到,很黑,他一看到我
he ran behind the house, so I went after him,  就跑到了房子后面,于是我去追他
but he attacked me from behind.  可他从后面袭击了我
Poked me in the neck with a needle.  用针扎了我的脖子
Did he say anything to you?  他跟你说什么了吗
Yeah. That I wasn't gonna ruin his night, and then I blacked out. 他说不能让我毁掉他的夜晚,然后我就晕过去了
Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the trunk of my own car. 等我醒来后却发现躺在自己车的后备箱里
When you and Kristin were at dinner,  你跟克里斯汀吃晚饭的时候
Did you notice anyone staring at you guys,  有没有注意到谁盯着你们看
anyone follow you out to the valet?  或者跟着你们去停车
A lot of guys were checking Kristin out.  很多男人都在盯着克里斯汀看
She's a pretty girl, but no one-no one really stood out. 她很漂亮,但是我没注意到,有谁特别明显
You think of anything else, call me. 如果你想到其他细节的话,记得打给我
Thanks for your time.  谢谢你的配合
Is Kristin ok?  克里斯汀还好吗
Yes.  她没事
That's good. I hope you get him. 那就好,希望你们能抓到他
We will.  我们会的
Our stalker attacks zack and drugs him, puts him in the trunk, 我们的跟踪者袭击了扎克,给他下药,把他塞进后备箱里
pulls his car into the neighbor's garage, then attacks Kristin. 再把他的车开到邻居的车库里,袭击了克里斯汀
And left the keys exposed so Zack would be found.  然后把钥匙放在显眼的地方,让扎克找到
Zack was in his way. He didn't want to kill him,  扎克妨碍了他,他并不想杀他
but he was already in a state of arousal,  但他当时已经处于兴奋状态
and he couldn't let Zack ruin his plans with Kristin.  不能让扎克毁了他对克里斯汀的计划
We've spoken to all their friends and family available.  我们跟他俩所有能联系到的朋友和家人都谈过
No one knows or fits who we're looking for.  没人知道或觉得有谁符合我们要找的人
We should speak to our victim Kristin again,  我们该再和受害人克里斯汀谈谈
see if she can point us in a new direction and let her know her stalker's still out there. 看看她能否给我们指明新的方向,让她知道跟踪者还没被抓到
I get it. As a kid, I was always afraid of the dark.  我明白,我小时候,一直怕黑
I still am. What happened to that girl would freak me out.  我现在还怕,遇到那种事会吓坏我的
You're afraid of the dark?  你怕黑
Oh, yeah.  是啊
The lights are on at my place.  我家里一直开着灯