跟踪者Stalker 第59期:混乱的关系(在线收听

 That was amazing.  太棒了

Yeah. Very.  是的,太棒了
Really, really amazing,  真的,真的很棒
But I have to go into the restaurant.  但我得去餐厅了
You feeling bad?  你不舒服吗
Bad? No.I feel great... naughty... 怎么会,我感觉很棒...很邪恶
and really guilty for blowing off work.  而且为耽误工作而非常愧疚
That I understand.  我不明白
OK. Explain.  好吧,介绍一下
Who's this guy?  这个人是谁
That's Mickey, my brother.  是米奇,我弟弟
Total brat growing up, but we like him now. 小时候简直是个混小子,不过现在我们都喜欢他了
And, the woman?  那,这个女人是
That's Beth, friend of mine.  那是贝丝,我的朋友
She looks nice.  她看上去很漂亮
She is and a good friend.  的确,她是个很好的朋友
How long you known her?  你认识她多长时间了
Met her when I first moved to L.A.  我刚来洛杉矶的时候认识的
She helped me out of a jam.  她帮我解决了麻烦
What kind of jam?  什么麻烦
You are so nosy.  你真爱管闲事
You don't get to know all my secrets.  我可不会把所有秘密都告诉你
Really?  是吗
Now you have to tell me.  现在你得告诉我了
I had a little trouble with a guy I was seeing.  我跟一位前任闹了点矛盾
Boyfriend?  男朋友
Fiance.  是未婚夫
We were supposed to get married, and something didn't feel right about him, 我们本来要结婚了,可我觉得他不太合适
so I broke it off, and he couldn't handle the rejection. 所以我悔婚了,而他接受不了拒绝
He went a little crazy.  做了些出格的事
What'd he do?  他干了什么
Tried to kill me.  想要杀了我
You serious?  不是吧
Yes, but he didn't,  是的,不过他没杀成
Thanks to one badass cop.  多亏了这位厉害的警察
Where is he now?  他现在在哪里
She sent him away.  她把他关起来了
We've been best friends ever since.  从那以后我们就成了闺蜜
I like her already.  我已经喜欢上她了
She'd been through something similar,  她也经历过类似的事
Actually a lot worse than me.  实际上,比我还要惨很多
She's helped a lot.  她帮了我很多
She still does, her friendship.  现在也是,她的友谊帮了我很多
She sounds special.  听起来很特别
Very.  非常特别