跟踪者Stalker 第64期:互相试探(在线收听

 Team drinks?  大伙一块喝一杯去吗

No, thanks. I can't.  不了,谢谢,我有事
Phobia of fun,  你恐惧快乐吗
fear of letting your co-workers see you after a couple of shots of tequila? 还是害怕让你同事看到几杯龙舌兰酒后你的醉态
That's not it.  不是这么回事
Then what is it?  那为什么不去
What are you afraid of?  你在害怕什么
You first, tough guy.  你先来吧,硬汉
Yeah. You keep prying. My turn.  一直都是你在试探,轮到我了
What are you afraid of?  你在害怕些什么
Oh, you want to get real?  你想这么玩对吧
You got it.  放马过来
I'm afraid that I'm gonna keep making the same mistakes. 我害怕的是会重蹈覆辙,犯下同样的错误
Which ones, Jack?  什么错误,杰克
Your turn, tough girl.  该你了,女强人
I'm afraid of people really knowing me,  我害怕让别人了解我
and I don't want tohave this conversation, and this is as far as it goes. 而且我不想谈这个问题,所以就此打住吧
What happened to you?  你身上发生过什么事
Sorry, Jack. That'sall you're getting.  抱歉,杰克,到此为止
It's a start.  总算有个开头
Good day.  今天战绩颇丰嘛
Yeah. Good day.  还行
You want to go for a drink?  你想去喝一杯吗
Last time, you said, "Drinks are neverjust drinks."  上次你说过"事情永远不会这么简单"
What is it?  怎么了
We just made things right.  他被绳之于法了
I just need to clean up.  让我收拾收拾
I've seen a guy's dump before.  我以前见过一个男生的狗窝
I haven't had a chance to, uh, furnish the place.  我还来不及,买家具
Where do you sleep?  你睡在哪里
I have a bed.  我有床
Bourbon?  波本怎么样
Perfect.  好极了
Hey. Your homegirl Beth Davis didn't exist until she went to the academy 12 years ago. 你最爱的贝丝·戴维斯在12年前上警校前没有任何记录
No birth records?  连出生证明都没有吗
Nope. I got nothing in cyberspace.  没有,我在网络上找不到任何记录
Keep looking. I'm good for the money.  继续追查,钱不是问题
You just keep digging.  给我继续查