美国小学英语教材3:第165课 歌者大卫(2)(在线收听

 One night David heard a noise in the bushes not far away. 一天晚上,大卫听到不远处的灌木从里有声音。

Jumping to his feet, he stood ready to fight for his flock. 他马上跳了起来,随时准备为他的羊群而大战一场。
Suddenly, a great lion leaped out of the bushes and caught a lamb. 这时候,一只狮子突然跳出了灌木丛,抓住了一只小羊羔。
At once David rushed forward and struck the beast a heavy blow with his staff. 大卫立刻冲了上去,用他的手杖重重地打在这头野兽的身上。
Roaring angrily, the lion dropped the lamb and turned upon David. 狮子愤怒地咆哮着,它放下了小羊羔,朝着大卫冲了过来。
But the brave boy struck the beast such a hard blow that it fell dead. 但这个勇敢的男孩重重地打这个野兽一棒,狮子倒地死了。
That night David played upon his harp and sang these words, "I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, and sing praises unto Thy name!" 那天晚上,大卫拨弄着他的竖琴唱道:哦,上帝,我要感谢你,称颂你的名!
Some months passed, and then one day David saw some men riding swiftly toward him. 几个月过去了,有一天,大卫看到一些人骑着马向他冲过来。
He knew at once that they were robbers, who would try to kill him and carry off his sheep. 他立刻明白了,这些人是强盗,他们想要杀了他,抢走他的羊。
"I am only one, and they are many," he said to himself, "but I will not be afraid, for I know God will help me." 我只有一个人,他们人多,他对自己说,但是我不害怕,因为我知道上帝会帮助我。
So the boy took his sling, went toward the robbers, and shot one stone after another at them. 于是,男孩拿起自己的弹弓,走向强盗,他一个石子接着一个石子地向他们射去。
With each shot, a rider fell from his horse. 每射一个,就有一个骑马的从马上掉下来。
Most of the robbers now became frightened and galloped away. 大多数的强盗现在都害怕了,他们骑着马走了。
But a few of them jumped from their horses and rushed toward the boy. 但是他们中还有几个人从马上跳下来,向男孩冲过来。
Then David raised his staff and struck such heavy blows that the robbers cried to each other, 于是大卫举起了手杖,重重地打在他们身上,强盗们互相大声喊着:
"The boy is as strong as a giant!" Quickly they jumped on their horses and galloped off. 这个男孩力气很大,就跟巨人一样!他们很快地跳上马,逃走了。