英语听力精选进阶版 10047(在线收听

Police say at least two people have been killed and 23 injured in two powerful explosions right by the finishing line of the Boston Marathon. The blasts took place within seconds with each other as hundreds of runners were ending the race in the US city cheered on by a large crowd. Paul Adams reports from Washington.

警方表示,波士顿马拉松比赛终点线附近发生两起强力爆炸,已造成至少2人死亡,23人受伤。两起爆炸相隔只有几秒钟,当时几百名运动员相继结束赛程,人群正在欢呼。Paul Adams在华盛顿报道。

The explosions occurred within seconds of each other close to the finish line on Boylston’s street in the center of Boston. Four hours into the race there were still plenty runners on the street, and the crowds were dense. Television picture showed smoke billowing up from among the flags lining the route. One runner collapsed apparently struck by an object seconds later as terrified onlookers tried to get away. Picture showed another plume of smoke rising from the second blast down the road. Emergency workers immediately began tearing at the pavement barriers and flag poles to get the wounded behind. There were clearly many injured people. Injured spectators were carried to the nearby medical tents set up to look after exhausted runners. 


Some news just in. Boston police said the explosions at the finishing line of the city's marathon were almost simultaneous. They say no further explosive devices have been found so far near the finish line, but the investigation is ongoing. The Boston police commissioner Edward Davis told the news conference that there had been a third explosion. "We have, at this point of time, determined that there has been a third incident that has occurred. There was an explosion that occurred at the JFK library. So this is very much an ongoing event of this point time. We are not certain that these incidents are related, but we are treating them as if they are." Police in Boston have urged the residents of the city to stay indoors and not to congregate in large groups.

刚刚收到的消息。波士顿警方表示,该城市马拉松比赛终点线附近的两起爆炸几乎是同时发生的。他们表示,目前为止,终点线附近没有发现新的爆炸装置,但是调查仍在继续。波士顿警察局长戴维斯(Edward Davis)在新闻发布会上表示曾经发生了第三次爆炸。“目前为止我们已经确认发生了第三起爆炸事件。这起爆炸发生在JFK图书馆。所以,现在事态仍在继续发展。我们不确定这些事件是否存在关联,但是我们仍然视为连环爆炸来处理。”波士顿警方已经敦促市民在室内活动,不要举行大规模集会。

The opposition leader in Venezuela Henrique Capriles has called on the national electoral council not to proclaim the victory of acting president Nicolas Maduro until all votes have been recounted. Mr. Capriles said even Mr. Maduro had agreed to a recount on Sunday. From Caracas here's Will Grant.

委内瑞拉反对派领袖卡普里莱斯(Henrique Capriles)要求全国选举委员会不要宣布代理总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)获胜,直到对所有选票进行重新统计。卡普里莱斯表示,甚至马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)也同意进行重新计票。Will Grant在加拉加斯报道。

The fallout from Venezuela's disputed presidential election continues apace. On state television, the government is pushing their arguments hard that Nicolas Maduro is the legitimate president of Venezuela, having won by a narrow but significant margin. While they've agreed to an audit of the electronic counting system, the government is rejecting calls that ballot boxes be opened for a manual recount. Meanwhile, the temperature is rising by the hour. Opposition groups are also due to march possibly on the national electoral council itself, while the government has called on its supporters to turn out in the central square in Caracas to celebrate Mr. Maduro’s win.

委内瑞拉有争议的总统选举余波仍然继续。在国家电视台,政府激烈争辩马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)是委内瑞拉合法总统,以少数但是极为重要的优势获胜。尽管同意对选举计票系统进行审计,他们却拒绝打开投票箱进行手动重新计票的要求。同时,双方的争吵也逐渐升温。反对派组织也可能在全国选举委员会举行游行活动,政府也要求其支持者在加拉加斯中心广场聚集,庆祝马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的胜利。

And some news just in. The election board in Venezuela has formally proclaimed Nicolas Maduro as the winner of the presidential vote despite the calls by the opposition for a recount to be held.

刚刚收到的新闻。尽管反对派呼吁重新计票,委内瑞拉选举委员会已经正式宣布马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)为总统选举的获胜者。

Series car bomb attacks during the morning of rush hour in several Iraqi cities has killed more than 55 people and injured over 270.


World news from the BBC.


The French government has published detailed lists with ministers' personal assets online in order to try to restore confidence in the socialist administration after series financial scandals. Analysts say most of them did not appear to be especially wealthy, although some ministers have assets worth more than $7m, mostly in the form of their homes.


Police in Senegal have arrested Karim Wade, the son of former president Abdoulaye Wade, on suspicion of illegally amassing around $1.4bn during his father's 12 years in office. Karim Wade acted as the right-hand man to his father during the presidency. Thomas Fessy reports.

塞内加尔前总统阿卜杜拉耶·瓦德(Abdoulaye Wade)的儿子卡里姆·瓦德(Karim Wade)涉嫌在其父亲执政期间12年期间非法敛财14亿美元而被警方逮捕。在阿卜杜拉耶·瓦德(Abdoulaye Wade)执政期间,卡里姆·瓦德(Karim Wade)是其得力助手。Thomas Fessy报道。

Karim Wade presented detailed documents of his assets to a Senegalese special court tasked with investigating cases of corruption. He'd been given one month to prove that he legally acquired over $1bn while his father was in power. CW was nicknamed the minister of the sky and the earth, as he held the infrastructure, urban planning, air transportation and international cooperation government portfolios at the same time. He was then in charge of 1/3 of the state expenditure. The Senegalese court has yet to announce the reason behind this detention as CW's lawyers claimed he's been forcibly taken away.

卡里姆·瓦德(Karim Wade)向塞内加尔负责调查腐败案件的特别法庭递交了财产详细记录。他获准在一个月之内证明他在父亲执政期间获得的超过10亿美元是合法的。CW是这位呼风唤雨的部长的昵称,因为他同时掌管着基础设施,城市计划,空中交通和国际合作等多个政府部门。当时他负责国家开支的三分之一。塞内加尔法庭目前还没有宣布他被拘留的原因,因为CW的律师声称他是被强行带走的。

There's been an outpouring of anger and shame in India after the broadcast footage showing motorists ignoring the victims of a road accident in the northern city of Jodhpur. The CCTV footage shows a man holding the hand of his five-year-old son and pleading for help, next to the bodies of his wife and infant daughter.


Judges in the United States Supreme Court have been debating tough legal and scientific questions on whether human genes should continue to be patented. Their decision which's expected in the summer could have enormous implications for research. The nine justices are looking at the right of one company Myriad Genetics to hold the patent on a genetic test for breast and ovarian cancer. Opponents say these patents prevent research by other companies and denied patients' access to the test which cost more than $3000.

