跟踪者Stalker 第72期:袭击警察(在线收听

 Look at this.  看这个

Why would he have files on Laurie and Annie?  他怎么会有劳丽和安妮的档案呢
This guy practices what he preaches.  这家伙在试验他讲授的东西
Animal organs.  动物器官
He's got plenty of hoodoo powder 他有很多觋术粉
You ok?  你没事吧
Yeah.  没事
I was home all night by myself.  一整晚我都独自在家
But no real alibi.  但没有确凿的不在场证明
I've done nothing wrong.  我没做错什么
You assaulted a cop.  你袭警了
I don't recall a cop announcing himself.  我可不记得他说过自己是警察
I was protecting myself from a home invasion.  我以为有人闯进来了,我是在自卫
Why did you have files on Laurie Stokes and Annie Garner?  你为什么会有劳丽·斯托克斯和安妮·加纳的档案
Because they're the new tenants of the house.  因为她们是那所房子的新租客
What are you doing with them?  你拿她们的档案干吗
You stabbed a female student with a tribal knife and drained her of blood. 你拿部落用刀捅了一名女学生并给她放血
Says the case was dropped when she refused to testify.  由于她不肯出庭作证,所以你没受到指控
Did you pay her off?  你给她封口费了吗
She asked me to. I was helping her.  是她让我那么做的,我是在帮她
By draining her blood?  放血是帮她吗
Some blood. It was a cleansing.  只是一点血而已,那是净化仪式
I was removing evil energy from her body.  我是在驱散她体内的恶灵
Some kind of exorcism through blood letting?  以放血为手段的驱魔仪式吗
You have such contempt for what you don't know.  你如此轻视你不了解的事物
Is that what you plan to do to Laurie and Annie?  你也准备对劳丽和安妮做净化仪式吗
Why did you have the pictures in your house?  你家里为什么会有她们的照片
I want to help them.  我想帮她们
By cutting them up?  把她们大卸八块吗
Those girls are in danger. I've lived in that house.  那两个姑娘有危险,我在那房子里住过
I know.  我知道
Know what?  知道什么
They need my help.  她们需要我的帮助
You don't believe in the spirit world, but it's real.  你不相信灵魂世界的存在,但那是真的
I've experienced it in that house.  我在那房子里经历过
What did you experience?  你经历了什么
It's true. What the legend says is true. 是真的,那个传说是真的
It's haunted by the dead, and anyone who's lived there has experienced it. 那房子闹鬼,所有在里面住过的人都经历过
I stayed longer than most.  我住得比大多数人久
Why did you move out, Louis?  你为什么搬走,路易斯
One night, I was getting ready for bed.  一天晚上,我正准备睡觉
I heard a noise, so I went out onto the landing, and there it was. 突然听到响动,于是我走到楼梯口就看到它了
There what was?  看到什么了
A specter. A ghost, a phantom, whatever you want to call it. 幽灵,鬼魂,幻影,随便你怎么说
The thing reached out for me, and all reason and logic went out the window. 那东西伸手来抓我,所有的理智和逻辑都烟消云散了
I was terrified. I knew, whatever it was, it was evil. 我吓死了,我知道不管那是什么,都不是善茬
And that's when you decided it had to be stopped.  就在那时,你决定要结束这一切
Someone needs to help these girls. They need to be protected. 得有人帮那两个姑娘,她们需要保护
I can perform a cleansing. I can help them. 我能进行净化仪式,我能帮她们