跟踪者Stalker 第74期:万圣节派对(在线收听

 As servant of God, away evil spirit, not connected to this person. 我是上帝的追随者,邪灵驱散,莫要缠人

Espiritu of evil, separate yourself from this house.  魔鬼邪灵,离开此屋
As servant of God...  我是上帝的追随者...
I feel underdressed. 我好像穿得不合适
If Atwood is here, he'll be in costume. We'll do a sweep. 如果阿特伍德在这,他肯定变装了。我们排查一遍
You guys take the front and back doors. Start cheching I.D.s. 你们守住前后门。检查证件
You know how to ruin a party.  你对搞坏派对很在行啊
I'm gonna look around.  我四处看看
Hey, what's going on?  你好,怎么了
We're just here to make sure everything is OK. Where's Laurie? 我们只是来看看是否一切都正常。劳丽呢?
Here somewhere. She's a French maid.  在某个地方,她扮的是法国女佣
Can you help me find her?  你能帮我找到她吗
Yeah. Sure.  好的,当然
Hey, come takea look at this.  过来看看
It's everything confiscated from Louis Atwood's home.  这是从路易斯·阿特伍德家收缴的
It's Atwood's notes, theories, history on the house. 他的笔记,理论,房子的历史
He was completely consumed by this house.  他简直对那座房子着魔了
He keeps making referenceto a shadow figure he saw lurking there.  他一直在说有个影子藏在某处
He really believes he was being haunted by the ghost of the house's former owner Greg Miner. 他很肯定自己是被前屋主格雷格·迈纳的鬼魂缠住了
With every sighting, he followed the figure,  每次发现那影子,他都会跟着
but he wrote that it disappeared into thin air.  但他写到影子会凭空消失
He thought he was seeing a ghost...  他觉得他是看见鬼了
he was afraid--or it could've been one big, hallucinatory delusion, 他很害怕,或者有可能是患有很严重的妄想症
or maybe Atwood might actually have been seeing something else. 又或者阿特伍德实际上看到的是什么别的东西
We don't have the facts. Did you get the case package from archives?  我们不了解情况。你拿回那个案件箱了吗
I called. They're backed up.  我打过电话,他们回绝了
Let me try. I know Helen. I might be able to rush it along. 我来试试,我认识海伦。她可能会帮我们催一下