跟踪者Stalker 第75期:派对遇上佩里(在线收听

 Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry.  对不起,我很抱歉

Perry? What are you doing here?  佩里,你来这里干什么
I was invited. What are you doing here?  我被邀请了,你来这里干什么
Who invited you?  谁邀请的你
I have a class with annie. You are--are you working? 我跟安妮上同一门课。你,你是在工作吗
Why would you ask me that?  为什么这么问
I don't see a costume.  你没变装
You need to leave.  你该走了
No. I'm here with friends. I was invited.  不,我是跟朋友来的,我被邀请了
Are you OK? You seema little anxious.  你还好吗,你好像有点紧张
I'm fine, Perry.  我很好,佩里
Nice to see you, Michelle.  很高兴见到你,米歇尔
What did you just call me?  你刚才叫我什么
I said, "Nice to see you, as well."  我说  "我也很高兴见到你"
What did you think I said?  你觉得我说了什么
I'm a cop. For you, it will never be nice to see me. Do you understand?  我是个警察。对你来说,看到我绝不会高兴。明白吗
All right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, lieutenant. 好,抱歉。我没想让你不高兴,副队长
Excuse me.  抱歉
Guys, no, no. Second flooris off limits. 各位,不行不行,二层楼不能用
No bedrooms, no bathrooms, no...  不能用卧室,不能用厕所
Whatever you just did up there.  不管你刚刚做了什么都不行
Dude, no. Uh-uh. You can not pass out up here. 老兄,不是吧。你不能晕在这里
Come on. Let's go. Hey.  起来,我们走
Yeah. Downstairs now.  行了,立刻下楼
Sorry. I thought I'd apologize for scaring you the other day. 对不起。我本想为那天吓到你而道歉
By giving me a heart attack?  你的道歉就是再吓一次吗
Ok. It's a little liquor logic,  好吧,我有点喝醉了
but you got to lighten up, girl.  但你不要生气嘛
We didn't mean any harm at the costume store, and Bobby really loves you. 我们在戏服店没有恶意,波比真的很爱你
It's all cool.  没事了
Yeah?  什么事
I have the police report from archives.  我从档案室拿到了警方记录
The wife Beverly Miner hung herself in the basement,  妻子贝芙丽·迈纳在地下室上吊
but the urban legend is wrong about the husband.  但关于丈夫的传闻有误
How so?  怎么回事