跟踪者Stalker 第98期:明星的家(在线收听

 Hey. Let's step back.  后退一下

I didn't know Nina Preston was such a big deal.  原来妮娜·普勒斯顿这么有名
Never seen her show. What's it called-- "Savage Shore"?  没看过她的剧,是叫《野蛮海岸》吗
I haven't seen it either, but it's a big hit.  我也没看过,不过似乎很火
It's made her the target of several stalkers.  这也使她成了几个跟踪者的目标
She has a huge fan base.  她有很多粉丝
I mean, look at the paparazzi. They hunt her. 你看看狗仔队这架势,简直像在追逐猎物
What do you think you're doing?  你这是在干什么
Just going for a better shot. You can't see anything from here. 为了有个更好的拍照视角,从下面什么都看不到
Take your camera and get the hell out of here.  拿着你的相机快滚
Fine.  好吧
Check this. I'll be outside, okay?  查查看,我在外面,没问题吧
Nina's out back, and she's pretty shaken. She's with her sister. 妮娜外出回来了,她慌得厉害,和她姐姐在一起
Are we looking for Heather Miller?  是希瑟·米勒干的吗
We're locating her now. Apparently, she was released from the hospital a month ago, downgraded to outpatient. 正在追踪,很显然.她一个月前就从医院放出来了,转变成了门诊病人
All right. Well, keep me in the loop. I'm gonna go talk to Nina. 好的,有事随时告诉我。我去和妮娜谈谈
This way.  这边走
Who's Heather Miller?  希瑟·米勒是谁
An obsessed fan of Nina's.  妮娜的狂粉
Booked on two counts of trespassing last year and was diverted to a court-mandated psychiatric ward. 去年有两起非法入侵的记录,曾被转到法庭托管的精神病院接受治疗
Delusional, dissociative disorder.  有妄想症和多重人格障碍
Violent?  暴力吗
Potentially.  有这个倾向
Did Nina get a look at the attacker?  妮娜看见袭击者的长相了吗
No.  没有
Neither did the security cameras.  监控录像也没拍到
Check it out. She has a nice little setup here.  过来看看,她的设备不错
She has a full-on panic room.  她有间全天开启的安全室
Smart girl.  真聪明
Nina's had some bad luck when it comes to fans.  但妮娜碰上粉丝的时候就倒霉了
The attacker's wearing a burn victim mask. What's that about? 袭击者戴着烧伤病人面具,这是为什么
It's because Paul burned his face.  因为保罗的脸被烧伤了
In "savage shore." Paul ran into a burning building because he thought Lily was inside, 在《野蛮海岸》中,保罗跑进一幢着火的大楼,他以为莉莉在里面
and that's when he got horribly disfigured,  并因此毁了容
but turns out, Lily was never inside the building.  但实际上,莉莉根本不在楼里
It was all a ploy by Bruce to kill Paul.  是布鲁斯设计要害死保罗
Only it backfired because Lily ended up falling in love with Paul. 结果却弄巧成拙,莉莉最后爱上了保罗
Interesting how you can work side by side with someone  真是讽刺,我们天天一起工作
and you don't really know them at all.  我却根本不了解她
Let me guess. You watch "The Good Wife"?  我猜猜,你看《傲骨贤妻》吧