跟踪者Stalker 第100期:人尽皆知的明星生活(在线收听

 Celebrity stalkers write to their targets before approaching.  明星的跟踪者在行动之前会写信

Her publicist gave us access to her e-mail,  她的公关把她的电子邮件给了我们
but there are thousands of messages.  但里面有上千封来信
It will take us a while to slog through them all.  全看完要花很长时间
I scoured the internet.  我在网上彻查了一遍
There's hundreds of forums and chat rooms about Nina and the show. 有关妮娜和那部电视剧的论坛和聊天室有好几百个
She has 3 million twitter followers and even more on Instagram. 她推特上有三百万个粉丝,Instagram上的更多
So her life is out there.  她的生活人尽皆知
Her stalker has too much access to her.  跟踪者有很多种办法接近她
Complete access. The paparazzi chronicle every aspect of her life. 一点隐私也没有,狗仔队记录着她生活的方方面面
Sometimes, it can get out of control.  有的时候甚至会失控
I'm running background checks on several paps with arrest records. 我在调查几个有前科的人,查他们的背景资料
What's the show about?  那部剧讲的什么
It's your typical teen Gothic romance.  小孩爱看的那种哥特式爱情故事
Very addictive. Her TV character is in love with a disfigured man. 挺好看的,她扮演的角色爱上了一个惨遭毁容的男人
It's very "beauty and the beast" thematically.  真是"美女与野兽"的现代版
The stalker may see himself as Nina's savior and she his. 跟踪者可能认为他和妮娜是彼此的救星
Dinner, candles, bottle of wine. I mean, this is like bad textbook romance. 晚餐,蜡烛,美酒。毕竟,这是很老套的追求方式
What are you thinking?  你有什么想法
This kind of display screams incompetent suitor,  用这种方式的人应该是很没经验的追求者
someone single and lonely, never been in a real relationship,  单身又寂寞,从来没谈过恋爱
Possibly a virgin, but he's not after sex. He's looking for a love connection. 可能是处男,但他要的并不是性行为。他要的是恋爱关系
He spends every waking minute thinking about Nina and their future together. 他每时每刻都在想着妮娜和他们之间的未来
Like her previous stalker -- Heather Miller.  就像她之前的跟踪者,希瑟·米勒
Where is she?  她在哪
They're bringing her in now.  警员正在带她过来
Does he have access to send me mail?  他可以给我寄东西吗
That's all I'm asking.  我只是想知道这点
No. There's no return address,  不,上面没有寄出的地址
but it's postmarked Seattle, so he sent it. 但是邮戳是西雅图的,所以是他寄的
Somebody sent it.  肯定有人寄了
Will you please check again and call me back on this number?  你能不能再查一下,然后打回这个电话给我
If I don't pick up, leave a message. Thank you. 如果我没接到,就留言给我,谢谢