跟踪者Stalker 第104期:艾米丽遭到袭击(在线收听

 No, no, no, no!  不,不要啊

Need some help?  需要帮助吗
No. I'm just gonna call AAA.  不用了,我还是打给汽车协会
It will take them over an hour to get here, and I've got a jack. 他们赶来大概要一个小时,我有卸胎棍
Really? Thank you.  是吗,那就麻烦你了
Thank you again so much. Right. 再次谢谢你。好吧
Were you just coming from Nina Preston's house?  你刚从妮娜·普勒斯顿家出来吗
No. I don't think so.  不,这不是她家
Heh. I get it.  我懂的
You wouldn't say for privacy reasons, right?  出于隐私原因,你不愿说对吧
Do you live around here?  你住在这附近吗
I don't think I've seen you before.  我以前似乎没有见过你
I'm just visiting someone.  我只是来看朋友的
I wouldn't do that, Emily.  建议你不要这样,艾米丽
What do you want?  你想干什么
I want you to be nicer to Nina.  我想要你对妮娜好点
You've hurt her. I know what you did.  你伤害了她,我知道你干了什么
I can't let you get away with that.  你休想就这样离开
No! No! no! 不,不,不
Nina! Nina!  妮娜,妮娜
Help! Somebody! Are you ok?  快来人,救命啊,你还好吗
He said I'd hurt Nina.  他说我伤害了妮娜
That's when I knew he'd been watching us.  那时我才知道他一直在监视我们
Have you ever seen this guy before?  你以前见过这个男的吗
Never.  没有
Can you describe him?  能描述一下他的长相吗
Late 20s, early 30s, brown hair, average-looking. 二十大几或三十岁,棕色头发,长相普通
A sketch artist is gonna come in and talk to you. 我们会请一个素描画家进来再跟你谈谈
Try to remember as much detail as possible.  请你尽量想起当时的细节
I deserve this after what I did to Nina.  我对妮娜那样,这是我活该
Nobody deserves this.  没有人应该被这样对待
Reed is arranging 24-hour protection.  里德在安排二十四小时保护
So you really think this guy could be my stalker?  你真觉得这个人是我的跟踪狂吗
We're not sure yet.  我们还不确定
Emily and I had a really bad fight.  我跟艾米丽大吵了一架
I said some things.  我说了一些气话
We never used to be this way.  我们以前不会这样的
We used to be best friends, you know?  我们曾经是好朋友的
Why does your sister work for you?  为什么你的姐姐会为你工作
I needed her. I moved to L.A., I was all alone.  我需要她,我搬来了洛杉矶,孤身一人
Having her here was nice, you know?  有她陪着感觉很好,你懂吗
She's my family. I trusted her.  她是我的家人,我信任她
Yeah, but family can be tough, especially sisters.  但是家庭关系有时候很难处理,尤其是姐妹
People can disappoint you, Nina, but they can also surprise you. 有时候亲人会让你失望,妮娜,但是有时也会让你惊讶
I know she loves you.  我知道她爱你