跟踪者Stalker 第115期:请求各位邻居协助(在线收听

 How well do you know Chad?  你有多了解查德

I recruited him.  是我招募的他
Guy was just a teenager when I brought him in.  我招他进来的时候他还只是一个青少年
Saved him from some bullies.  帮他摆脱被人欺负的命运
I taught him how to fight, gave him confidence. 我教他如何打架,给了他信心
I taught him loyalty and one truth above anything else...  教他学会忠诚,还有一条真理
You are nothing without family.  没有家人你就一文不值
Ok. Got it.  好的,知道了
Ben and Beth are checking out Chad Hewitt.  本和贝丝在调查查德·休伊特
S.I.D. has the brick that came through the window.  鉴证科在调查扔进窗子的砖块
They're tracing the cell, which will inevitably lead to a burner 他们在追查手机的位置,最后肯定会查出是一次性手机
because these guys are careful.  因为光头党都非常小心
What?  怎么了
Security cameras on the neighbors' houses.  邻居家的监控录像
What are the chances one of them was actually working and caught the skinheads on camera? 有没有可能案发时有摄像头在运作,记录下了光头党的样子
Can I help you?  有什么事吗
Did you see or hear or anything last night?  你昨晚听到或看到什么了吗
Nope, and I'm not gonna be the one helping out a skinhead. 没有,我也不会帮助一个光头党
Are you referring to Mr. Richards?  你是说理查德先生吗
I never felt the need for security cameras.  我从来不用监控设备
This is a good neighborhood, or--or was. 这个社区很安全,至少曾经很安全
Shut up, Marty.  马蒂,闭嘴
I'm here about the security cameras on your property.  我们想查看一下您家里的监控录像
Looks like one in particular might have recorded our crime scene last night. 我们认为某个摄像头很可能拍下了昨晚的案发场景
I don't want to get caught in skinhead on skinhead violence.  我不想卷入光头党间的暴力报复
I don't want them coming for me.  我可不想被他们盯上
Look. I'll look back through the footage myself and let you know. 我会调取监控,有什么发现就告诉你
As soon as possible, if you would. I'd appreciate it. 请务必尽快。谢谢了
Look. I get your hesitance...  我理解您的犹豫
Go get a warrant, and we'll talk.  先去申请搜查令再来吧