跟踪者Stalker 第117期:案情分析(在线收听

 I let you out of the bullpen for 5 minutes...  才放手让你上场五分钟而已

I'm sorry. Was I too much back there?  抱歉,我刚刚做得太过了吗
No. No, you were good.  不不,做得很好
Do you believe him?  你相信他吗
He's all abandonment issues wrapped up in carefully concealed rage. 他字里行间潜藏着愤怒,以及被抛弃产生的怨念
I don't think this is about the group wanting revenge on Mark because he left. 我认为这件事的起因不是马克离开,而组织要报复他
This is about Chad and Mark.  这是查德和马克的私人恩怨
Chad's clearly got daddy issues. Who doesn't? 查德显然有恋父情节。谁没有呢
He saw Mark as af father figure, impossible bond to break. 他把马克当成父亲,他们的关系牢不可摧
Not impossible.  不是牢不可摧
"You're nothing without family." "没有家人你就一文不值"
What?  什么
Something Mark said. He left the brotherhood, 马克说过的一句话。他离开了兄弟会
he marries outside his race, he rejects everything he taught Chad to believe in. 娶了其他种族的妻子,与曾经教给查德的信仰背道而驰
It's like Dr. Frankenstein turning his back on the monster he created. 就好像弗兰肯斯坦博士抛弃了自己创造的科学怪人
And what does the monster want?  那科学怪人想要什么
He's a resentful stalker.  他是怨恨型跟踪者
He feels rejected, but more than that, he feels personally wronged. 觉得被抛弃了,但更重要的是,他觉得自己被辜负了
Discovering what Mark did with his life must have been a real blow for Chad. 得知马克的新生活后,查德一定倍受打击
It's probably why he started the group in the first place.  这很可能是他创建这个组织的初衷
Now he wants to use that army to destroy the life that Mark created for himself. 现在他想利用这支力量来毁掉马克的生活
The monster wants Mark to return to the brotherhood.  科学怪人想让马克重返兄弟会
He doesn't believe he's reformed.  他不相信他已经改过自新了
Guys, submit an emergency protective order against Chad to the judge today. I want him served tonight. 各位,今天向法官递交针对查德的紧急保护令。今晚牢牢看好他
So he can't come within 100 yards of them. What about the rest of his gang? 这样他不能靠近他们100码之内。他帮派的其他成员呢