英语听力精选进阶版 10060(在线收听

Parliament in Greece has approved a bill allowing the government to cut 15,000 jobs in the country’s civil service. The reforms, a condition for Greece receiving billions more dollars of international assistance, will mean an end to the guarantee of a job for life. From Athens, Mark Lowen reports.


As expected, the bill was passed with a comfortable majority—168 MPs voting in favour and 123 against. It means that for the first time under Greece’s constitution, the tradition of civil service jobs for life will end. Fifteen thousand who have broken rules at work will be laid off replaced by a younger workforce. It’s a reform of the public sector that the government says is long overdue and should now pave the way for almost 9bn euros of bailout money from Greece’s international creditors. But it’s likely to prompt more social unrest in a country where unemployment is already at a record high of over 27 per cent.


Rescue workers in Bangladesh have called off their manual search for people trapped in the wreckage of a collapsed garment factory and have started to use heavy equipment to clear the rubble. Earlier attempts to save a woman buried in the building failed when sparks from cutting equipment started a fire. Rescuers said later she died and the heavy lifting equipment was brought in around midnight local time. Anbarasan Ethirajan is in Dhaka.

孟加拉国援助工人停止手工搜寻倒塌服装厂废墟中的人,开始用起重机来清理瓦砾。早些时候,由于切割机引发火灾,试图营救被埋在建筑中女子的尝试失败。搜救者说这名女子随后死亡,当地时间午夜弄来了起重设备。Anbarasan Ethirajan在达卡报道。

Four firefighters were on the third floor of this collapsed building. They have been struggling for the last, the five, six hours to rescue one girl from a groove. And they were using a drilling machine and the sparks from the drilling machine triggered this fire because this is a clothing factory, there are lots of cottoned clothes all around the place. And in the fire, these four rescue members, rescue team members, were injured and the firefighters were rushed to the hospital immediately. The girl they were trying to rescue since morning has died.


Earlier, the owner of the factory building was arrested.


An American film maker accused of fermenting post-election violence in Venezuela has been formally charged by a court in Caracas. Timothy Tracy from California is accused of conspiracy, association for criminal purposes and use of a false document. Irene Caselli reports from Caracas.

一名被控煽动委内瑞拉选举后暴力的美国电影制片人目前遭加拉加斯正式起诉。来自加州的蒂莫西·特雷西被控以阴谋罪和有犯罪动机,并使用虚假文件。Irene Caselli在加拉加斯报道。

Timothy Tracy is being held at the headquarters of Venezuela’s political police. He’s due to remain in custody for 45 days, while a judge rules on the charges against him. Mr Tracy was arrested at Caracas International Airport by the political police as he was about to leave the country. The government has said he had already been apprehended twice before—once while filming at a pro-government rally and another time outside the presidential palace. President Nicolas Maduro said earlier this week that he had personally asked for Mr Tracy’s arrest for his acts of conspiracy.


BBC News

The president of Bosnia’s autonomous Muslim-Croat federation, Zivko Budimir, has been ordered by a court to be detained for a month along with four other officials accused of taking bribes to arrange pardons for convicts. They were among up to 20 people arrested on Friday in a high-profile anti-corruption drive.

波斯尼亚自治穆斯林-克罗地亚联邦政府总统Zivko Budimir得到法院拘留一个月的判令,随同一起的还有另外四名官员,他们被控行贿以求赦免罪行。在周五的一起备受瞩目的反腐行动中,有20人被捕。

The Arab television channel Al-Jazeera has said it’s astonished by the Iraqi government’s decision to suspend its licences along with nine other satellite news channels. An Al-Jazeera spokesman told the BBC the action was an indiscriminate attack on the channels. The Iraqi government says the channels promoted violence and sectarianism.


In Libya, a group of armed men have surrounded the building of the foreign ministry in Tripoli, demanding the institution get rid of what they call supporters of the deposed Libyan leader Col Gaddafi. Access to the building and surrounding area has been blocked and the men have told the BBC they will stay there until the demands are met. The BBC’s Rana Jawad has been to the scene.

在利比亚,一群武装分子包围了的黎波里外交部大楼,要求该部门清除他们所谓的被逐领导人卡扎菲的支持者。通往大楼和周围地区的道路已被封锁,武装分子告诉BBC,他们要呆在这里直到要求得到满足为止。BBC记者Rana Jawad在现场报道。

The armed protesters are calling for the long debated political isolation law to be passed. The law’s meant to prevent officials who worked in the late Col Gaddafi’s government from participating in politics. The road leading to the foreign ministry building is still blocked with several pick-up trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns. There’s a mix of men, young and old, some in civilian clothes, others wearing army fatigues. There’s no clear leader amongst them and many are from different parts of the capital and the country who say they are former fighters from the war that toppled Col Gaddafi.


The Scottish singer Emeli Sande has beaten a record set by the Beatles of the album with the most consecutive weeks in the British top 10. The album, “Our Version of Events”, has spent 63 weeks there. The Beatles’ record 62-week run with “Please Please Me” had stood for 50 years.

苏格兰歌手艾梅丽·桑德打破披头士创下的记录,其专辑连续数十周名列英国前10名单。63周以来,他的专辑Our Version of Events一直排名前10。披头士的专辑Please Please Me曾创下50年不倒的62周前10记录。
