英语听力精选进阶版 10096(在线收听

The French foreign minister Laurent Fabius has said there is solid evidence that the Syrian government has used the nerve agent sarin against rebel fighters in Syria. Mr. Fabius said tests carried out in French laboratories on blood and urine samples from victims of an attack on the northern town of Saraqeb in April had detected traces of sarin.

法国外长法比尤斯(Laurent Fabius)表示,有力证据表明叙利亚政府对境内反叛分子使用化学武器沙林毒气(sarin)。法比尤斯表示,法国实验室对北部城镇色拉克卜市(Saraqeb)四月份袭击受害者提取的血液和尿液样本进行的测试检测出了微量的沙林。

“The conclusions of the laboratory are clear. There is sarin gas. The other question is: can we trace it? Who use the sarin gas? In the second case, there are no doubts that it is the regime and its accomplices.”


Mr. Fabius said the test results had been handed to the United Nations.


The American Secretary of State John Kerry has sharply criticized prison terms handed down by an Egyptian court to 43 pro-democracy workers, most of them foreigners in a case against unlicensed non-governmental organizations. Mr. Kerry described the trial as politically motivated and said it ran counter to Egypt’s transition to democracy. Only five of the foreigners including one American were present in the court in Cairo on Tuesday. They were given two-year jail sentences.

美国国务卿克里(John Kerry)严厉谴责了埃及法庭对43位支持民主人士的判刑。这些人中的大部分都卷入一宗关于无执照非政府组织的案件。克里称该判决是出于政治动机,与埃及向民主过渡的进程背道而驰。周二,只有包括一名美国人在内的五名外国人出现在法庭。他们被判处两年监禁。

Turkey’s deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc has apologized for the violent police response to an environmental protest last week which sparked an unprecedented wave of anti-government unrest. Mr. Arinc admitted that police teargas had exacerbated what he called legitimate grievances but called for an immediate end to the protests. Despite his appeal, thousands have gathered in Taksim Square in Istanbul for the fifth consecutive night as James Reynolds reports.

土耳其副总理阿林克(Bulent Arinc)为上周环保抗议活动中警察的暴力反应道歉。这次抗议活动引发了前所未有的反政府动乱。阿林克承认,警方的催泪弹加剧了他所说的合法的怨愤,但是他要求人们立即停止抗议活动。尽管阿林克的呼吁,数千人仍然聚集在伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场(Taksim Square),这已经是连续第五个晚上。James Reynolds报道。

The protesters say they won’t give up until they get what they want. In the square and the park they have now made themselves at home. They’ve set up small shops even they make shift chemists. Barricades on nearby roads act as their unofficial borders. Taksim Square has now become the protesters own mini republic.


Amnesty International has said Mexico is not doing enough to investigate the disappearances of thousands of people in the last six years. In a new report the human rights group accuses the Mexican government of tolerating and failing to act on what it called a national crisis. From Mexico City, Will Grant.

国际特赦组织表示,墨西哥没有采取足够措施调查过去六年数千人失踪的案件。在一份报告中,人权组织指控墨西哥政府一味容忍,没有采取措施应对国民危机。墨西哥城,Will Grant报道。

This report comes at an important time. As recently as last month the government of President Enrique Pena Nieto announced new measures to tackle a problem which by the government’s own admission stands at some 26,000 missing persons since the drug war worsened six years ago. Among the steps the interior ministry promised with a new unit dedicated to finding the missing in greater efforts to tiling national database of human remains in the country’s morgues with the DNA of disappeared people.

该报告出炉的时间非常重要。上个月,总统恩里克·佩纳·捏托(Enrique Pena Nieto)政府宣布了应对该问题的新措施。政府自己承认,自六年前毒品战争加剧以来已有26,000人失踪。在所有措施中,内政部承诺设立新的机构,致力于利用失踪人口的DNA来对政府停尸房中的遗体建立数据库。

Nigeria has imposed an official ban on the Islamist group Boko Haram declaring it a terrorist organization. The new law also applies to Ansaru, a suspected offshoot of Boko Haram. The order means anyone who supports the activities of either group faces a prison term of at least 20 years. The United States has offered a reward of up to seven million dollars for helping capture in Boko Haram’s leader Abubakar Shekau.

尼日利亚对伊斯兰组织“博科圣地”(Boko Haram)颁布正式禁令,宣布其为恐怖组织。新的法律也适用于“安萨鲁”(Ansaru),疑似“博科圣地”的分支。该禁令意味着支持该两者中任何一个组织的活动的任何人都将面临至少20年的监禁。美国悬赏700万美元,帮助捉拿“博科圣地”头目谢考(Abubakar Shekau)。

The European Union is imposing import duties on Chinese made solar panels. The EU said the tariffs would be introduced as China had been selling the panels at less than cost price in a bid to corner the market, a practice known as dumping. The tariff of about 12% will be introduced immediately rising to about 47% in August if no agreement has been reached with China by then. The EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht told the BBC the measure was necessary to protect the European industry.

欧盟向中国生产的太阳能面板征收进口税。欧盟表示,他们征收该关税是因为中国为了抢占市场而以低于成本的价格出售,也就是倾销行为。如果届时没有与中国达成协议,原本大约12%的关税将于8月份提高到47%。欧盟贸易执委卡瑞德古特(Karel de Gucht)告诉BBC,为了保护欧洲工业,该措施是必须的。

“If European enterprises want to be innovative, they, of course lead a level playing field so that they compete. Because you have new developments and you need new developments in the sector. So it’s really about creating the right conditions so that European and Chinese companies can compete on equal footing.”


A judge in the United States has agreed that a man accused of shooting dead 12 people at a midnight screening of a Batman film last July can plead not guilty due to insanity. James Holmes who is 25 is charged with multiple counts of murder and attempted murder. Prosecutors in Colorado are seeking the death penalty.

美国一名法官表示,被控去年7月份蝙蝠侠首映时枪杀12人的男子可以以精神错乱为由否认控罪。詹姆斯·福尔摩斯(James Holmes)被控多宗谋杀罪和意图谋杀罪。科罗拉多州检控官希望判其死刑.
