英语听力精选进阶版 10103(在线收听

Turkish riot police have fired teargas to disperse crowds of thousands of anti-government demonstrators who gathered in Taksim Square in central Istanbul after a day of sporadic clashes.


Istanbul’s mayor said in a brief television announcement that police would continue their operations night and day. The BBC ’s James Reynolds says the square has been cleared and Gazi Park has now become the focus of the protests.

伊斯坦布尔市长在一段简短的电视公告中表示,警方将夜以继日地继续执行任务。BBC记者James Reynolds表示,广场已经被肃清,现在加济公园成为抗议的焦点场所。

I was standing next to several young men who were catapulting objects towards the police in the square. I saw several fires near square. I couldn’t detect any protesters there but the most important thing is that Gazi Park itself remains absolutely packed with protesters, they still control the area. There are more people there tonight than I’ve ever seen in the last 12 days.


The government in Greece has unexpectedly announced the suspension of state-run TV and radio stations with immediate effect to save money. A government spokesman said the level of waste at the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation ERT was a scandal. He said the organization’s 2,500 employees would be sacked. They’ll be able to apply for work when the corporation re-launches as a smaller independent public broadcaster. Odin Linardatou is one of the employees affected.

希腊政府意外宣布,为了快速节约资金,关闭国家电视和广播台。政府一名发言人表示,希腊国家广播电视公司(ERT)的浪费水平简直就是一宗丑闻。他表示,该公司2,500名员工将被解雇。当公司作为较小的独立的公共广播公司重新启动时,这些员工可以申请入职。Odin Linardatou是受影响的雇员之一。

“It’s without logic you know, I mean the people would happily see any active that is new, is a restructure maybe but not close down. Of course we had huge cuts in our salaries and we would have accepted it also if some of us were fired but that they can not accept in a democracy, in Greece is that Greece we not have a public broadcaster.”


The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner has condemned a government contractor Edward Snowden who leaked information about a controversial surveillance programme.

美国众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)谴责了泄漏有争议的窃听计划信息的政府承包商爱德华·斯诺顿(Edward Snowden)。

“He is a traitor. The disclosure of this information puts Americans at risk. It shows our adversaries what our capabilities are and it’s a giant violation of the law.”


Congress is asking intelligence officials for more information about the mass monitoring of phone calls and internet use revealed by Mr. Snowden who is now in Hong Kong.


Google has asked the US Department of Justice to be allowed to publish the total number of security information request they receive from the government to prove it is not granted unrestricted access to use its data.


The South African President Jacob Zuma has said the whole nation is praying for Nelson Mandela to recover quickly. The 94-year-old former president remains in intensive care at a hospital in Pretoria where he’s been treated for a lung infection.

Mr. Zuma said he was confident the doctors treating him were doing a good job. Mr. Mandela was admitted to hospital on Saturday. He’s been visited by family and security has been stepped up at the hospital.

南非总统祖马(Jacob Zuma)表示,全体国民正在祈祷曼德拉尽快康复。这位94岁高龄的前总统正在比勒陀利亚一家医院接受细致的护理,进行肺部感染治疗。祖马表示,他相信进行治疗的医生做得很好。曼德拉于周六入院。家人已经进行了探视,医院也加强了安全措施。

The Lower House of the Russian parliament has passed a controversial bill which bans the distribution of information about homosexuality to children. It also outlaws gay parade rallies. Gay activists say the law stigmatizes homosexuals. As MPs debated the bill Russian police arrested about 20 gay rights campaigners outside parliament during clashes with anti-gay groups.


The Ethiopian authorities have accused the Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi of waging psychological warfare by vowing to prevent Ethiopia from constructing a giant hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile River. A spokesman for Ethiopia’s foreign ministry said Mr. Morsi was trying to divert attention from problems at home. Aleem Maqbool reports from Cairo.

埃塞俄比亚当局指控埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)发动心理战争。此前,穆尔西发誓阻止埃塞俄比亚在青尼罗河上建设大型水电站。埃塞俄比亚外交部一名发言人表示,穆尔西试图转移人们对国内问题的注意力。Aleem Maqbool在开罗报道。

When it’s finished the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be by far the biggest hydroelectric power source in all of Africa. Construction started over two years ago but now the flow of the Nile is starting to be diverted down stream, Egypt has reacted with alarm. In an emotive address President Morsi talked it’d be gift of the River Nile to Egypt and the country’s historical rights to its waters. For its part, Ethiopia has insisted the work to build the dam will go on and that once the reservoir was filled the flow of Nile will return to normal.


In Kenya, hundreds of civil society activists had held a march in the capital Nairobi to protest against fresh attempts by members of parliament to increase their own salaries. Dancing protesters carried a giant papier-mache pig through the street before smashing it to pieces of the gate to the Kenyan parliament chanting ‘help the needy, not the greedy’.


The Argentine football association has banned away fans from attending football matches following the death of a supporter during a top division game near Buenos Aires. The ban will apply to all divisions of Argentine football until new measures are taken to address the widespread problem of violence in the game.

