跟踪者Stalker 第170期:詹妮丝的表态(在线收听

 Someone's in a hurry.  挺猴急啊你

Now don't be coy. I know you didn't drag me out here just to dance.  不要忸怩作态了。我知道你叫我出来不只是为了跳舞
That is true. I do have something else in mind. 没错。我的确有其他想法
All right. Well, I can't wait forever. 那就来吧。我不能一直等着
Oh, but there's something that you should know. What is it? 但是有件事你得知道。什么?
Well, see we have met before. It was 16 years ago. 我们之前确实见过,16年前
Homecoming, the night that I gave it to your and your friend. 返校节,那晚,我满足了你和你的朋友
You little slut, I know what you've been up do. Did you really think that you could take me? 你这个小贱人,我知道你有什么打算。你真觉得你能拿下我吗
Meg died because of what you did to her. This is for her. 因为你的所作所为,梅格死了。我要为她报仇
You were right about the rape. This is all about retribution. 强暴的事你说得没错。这一切都是为了复仇
Meg's death was the trigger. It's what drove her to seek justice for her friend. 梅格的死是导火索。是这事驱使她为朋友主持公道
I hate that Henry and Sophia both get to walk.  亨利和索菲娅就这样逍遥法外,我很不爽
They're the victims. This one's not so black and white. 他们是受害者。这事没有这么单纯
Whatever's going on, if you need anything...  我不知道你在经历什么,有什么需要的话...
Nothing's going on.  没什么
I get it. You're my boss,  我明白,你是我上司
and I've worked under you for 4 years, and I respect you, but I also care. 我在你手下干了四年,我很尊重你,但我也关心你
I know we have no real personal relationship, but if you need anything. 我知道我们没有真正的私人交情,但如果你有什么需要...
Yeah. That's very, very sweet of you, Janice. But, uh, everything's fine. 好,你这么说我真的很感激,詹妮丝。但是,真的没什么
Something is going on with you. Let me in. I want to help. 你肯定出了什么事。告诉我,我想帮忙。