跟踪者Stalker 第176期:案件告一段落(在线收听

 Why the long face? This case bugs. I'll second that. 为什么闷闷不乐?这案子真让人郁闷。同感。

The victims were guilty, the stalker was a victim. 受害人是犯罪者,跟踪狂原来是个受害者
I don't like it when it's gray.  我不喜欢这样曲折的案件
Keeps me up at night, end up watching reality tv, eat too much, it gets ugly. 会让我夜不能寐,只能狂看真人秀,还会暴饮暴食,绝对不健康
I know the feeling. Good night. 完全理解。晚安。
I'll walk out with you. Janice?  我和你一起出去,詹妮丝不走吗
Eh, I have to finish the paperwork. I'll be here a while. 我还有些文案没弄完,得加会班。
Tomorrow. Good night. 明天见。晚安。
Hi. Hey, Tracy. I picked up takeout. I'll be there in 15 minutes, ok? 喂。特蕾西。我拿了外卖,15分钟后到家
I'm here, guard at the door.  我在家里,门口有人守着
I know it seems like overkill. Not at all. I'll see you soon. 我知道这可能有点小题大做。怎么会。一会见。