美国小学英语教材5:第82课 松毛虫(1)(在线收听


Jean Henri Fabre 作者:让·亨利·法布尔
Nature has stories to tell—the story of the beaver, the story of the strange flights of birds, and countless others. 大自然有故事可讲——海狸的故事,鸟儿奇怪飞行的故事,还有无数其他的故事。
Jean Henri Fabre, a French school teacher, spent many, many hours of his life listening to Nature's stories. 让·亨利·法布尔是一名法国教师,他一生中花了很多很多时间听大自然的故事。
Then he began to write of what he had learned, and he became famous for his books about butterflies, grasshoppers, bees, and other insects. 然后他开始写他学过的东西,他因为写关于蝴蝶、蚱蜢、蜜蜂和其他昆虫的书而出名。
You hungry little caterpillars, if I let you have your way, I should soon be robbed of the murmur of my once leafy pine trees. 你们这些饥饿的小毛毛虫,如果我让你们为所欲为,我很快就会被剥夺我那曾经枝繁叶茂的松树发出的嗡嗡声。
But I am going to make a bargain with you. 但我要和你做个交易。
You have a story to tell. 你有故事要讲。
Tell it to me; and for a year, for two years or longer, until I know more or less about it, I will leave you undisturbed. 告诉我吧;一年,两年或更久,直到我或多或少地了解它,我将不打扰你。