英语听力精选进阶版 10150(在线收听

A military court in the United States has found the American soldier Bradley Manning guilty of 20 charges related to espionage but not guilty of the most serious charge of aiding the enemy. He’d been accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of secret documents to the website WikiLeaks. Jonny Dymond reports.

美国一军事法庭判决陆军士兵曼宁(Bradley Manning)与泄露机密资料相关的20项控罪成立,但是最严重的协助敌人罪名不成立。他被指控向维基解密网站泄露了无数机密文件。Jonny Dymond报道。

On the most serious charge: aiding the enemy, Bradley Manning is not guilty. It was always going to be a horrid hurdle for the prosecution. The judge made it clear in April that they would have to show that Bradley Manning had reason to believe that the files he leaked could harm the US or aid its enemies. But Judge Denise Lind has found Bradley Manning guilty on all the other charges including espionage. The maximum sentence for these charges would see Private Manning spend decades in prison.

关于最严重的一项控罪“协助敌人”,曼宁(Bradley Manning)是无罪的。起诉程序一直存在难以逾越的障碍。四月份,法官明确表示,他们必须证明,曼宁有理由相信他泄露的这些文件会危害美国或协助敌人。但是林德(Denise Lind)法官裁决曼宁其他所有罪名成立,包括从事间谍活动。这些控罪的最高刑期将使陆军士兵曼宁在监狱中度过几十年的时间。

The US Secretary of State John Kerry says Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meeting in Washington have agreed to work towards a final Middle East peace agreement over the next nine months. Mr. Kerry said there would be substantive talks in the next two weeks.

美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)表示,在华盛顿会晤的以色列和巴勒斯坦谈判人员一致同意,未来的九个月致力于达成最终的中东和平协议。克里表示,未来两周将举行实质性的对话。

“The parties have agreed here today that all of the final status issues, all of the quarrel issues and all other issues are all on the table for negotiation and they are on the table with one simple goal: a view to ending the conflict, ending the claims.”


The chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said he was delighted. His Israeli counterpart Tzipi Livni said that after years of stalemate, she was hopeful but not na?ve.

巴勒斯坦首席谈判人员埃雷·卡特(Saeb Erekat)表示他非常高兴。以色列谈判人员齐皮·利夫尼(Tzipi Livni)表示,经过几年的僵持状态,她抱有希望,但是并不乐观。

Experts investigating the Spanish train crash which killed 79 people last week have told a court that black box data recorders show the driver was talking on the phone when the accident happened outside Santiago de Compostela. James Robins reports.

调查上周造成79人死亡的西班牙火车脱轨事件的专家告诉法庭,黑匣子数据记录器显示,事故在圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉外发生时,司机正在打电话。James Robins报道。

A Spanish court says that data recorders fitted to the high-speed train show that it was traveling at 153 km/h almost twice the speed limit for that section of track when the train derailed. But the court also says the driver Francisco Jose Garzon was talking on the phone to an official of the state railway company Renfe when his train jumped the rails and he was apparently consulting a piece of paper at the time. The court inquiry is still in its early stages but these suggestions will add to a sense of outrage which is mingled with grief across Spain.

西班牙一家法庭表示,这辆高速火车上的数据记录器显示,列车脱轨时正以每小时153千米的速度高速运行,是该路段限行速度的两倍。但是法庭还表示,火车脱轨时,司机贾尔松(Francisco JoseGarzon)正在与铁路公司官员通话,很明显他当时正在咨询一份文件。法院调查仍在早期阶段,但是这些消息会让悲伤笼罩的西班牙增加愤怒的情绪。

A mass funeral has taken place in southern Italy for 38 people killed in a coach crash on Sunday. The Italian prime minister was among thousands of mourners at the service in a sports hall in the southern town of Pozzuoli. Friends and relatives of the victims place flowers on coffins lined up in front of the altar. The coach plunged 25 meters off a motorway in the worst accident of its kind in Western Europe for a decade.


President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe says he will step down if he loses the elections on Wednesday. Mr. Mugabe who’s been in power for 33 years is hoping to defeat his main rival, the Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC. Mr. Mugabe’s party Zanu-PF has been accused of doctoring the voters’ roll. An independent organization says the list of registered voters features the names of thousands of dead people. Zanu-PF denies vote rigging.

津巴布韦总统穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)表示,如果他在周三的选举中失败,他将辞职。已经执掌政权33年的穆加贝希望打败主要竞争对手,来自民主变革运动(MDC)的总理摩根·次万吉拉伊(Morgan Tsvangirai)。穆加贝的“非洲民族联盟―爱国阵线”(ZANU-PF)被指控伪造选民选票。一个独立的组织表示,注册选民中出现了数千名已经亡故的人员。ZANU-PF否认操纵选票。

The United Nations has given rebels from the M23 group in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo 48 hours to disarm in the area around Goma warning that force will be used against them if they don’t. Here is our UN correspondent Nick Bryant.

联合国给予刚果(金)东部反政府武装“M23运动”48小时的时间来解除在戈马地区的武装,并警告称如果做不到的话会对他们采取武力。我们的联合国通讯员Nick Bryant报道。

The UN says it wants to establish a security zone in Goma and its northern suburbs. And its 3,000 strong intervention brigade has been mandated to use lethal force to achieve its mission. Since launching an offensive two weeks ago, the UN says the M23 has used indiscriminate fire including heavy weapons which has resulted in civilian casualties. It’s also targeted UN installations with its fire. The M23 managed to occupy Goma for ten days last November, an offensive that UN peacekeepers were unable to stop.


Partial results from Mali’s presidential election suggest that the former Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubakar Keita has won a countable lead. The minister of territory administration said that with a third of votes counted, Mr. Boubakar Keita could win an outright majority in the first round. Supporters of the candidate said to be in second place Soumaila Cisse are already disputing this.

来自马里总统选举的部分结果显示,前总理易普拉辛·布巴加尔·凯塔(Ibrahim Boubakar Keita)获得了可以计算的领先地位。国土部长表示,目前已统计了三分之一的选票。布巴加尔·凯塔能够在第一轮中赢得彻底的胜利。据称位居第二的候选人西塞(Soumaila Cisse)的支持者已经对此提出怀疑。

Prosecutors in India say the cricketer Santakumaran Sreesanth and 38 other people have been charged with sport fixing in one of the world’s richest tournaments, the Indian Premier League. They’ve been accused of criminal conspiracy, cheating and dishonesty.

印度公诉人表示,板球队员Santakumaran Sreesanth和其他38人被控告在世界上最富有的锦标赛印度板球超级联赛中操纵比赛。他们被指控阴谋,欺骗和不诚实。
