夏说英语新闻晨读 第520期:千禧一代更喜单身(在线收听


Research suggests young millennials prefer the single status. For its "Single Not Sorry Survey", dating app Tinder, polled over 1,000 singles between the age of 18 and 25. 72 percent say they've "made a conscious decision" to stay out of a relationship for a period of time, many unapologetic, noting it gives them a sense of independence and empowerment. 40 percent of those surveyed say they aren't closed off to long-term relationships, but are not willing to settle for the wrong person.

millennials: n. 千禧一代
poll: n. 投票
opinion poll: 选举投票;民意测验
popularity poll: 人气调查
poll over sb.: 对……进行调查
single: n. 单身的人
conscious: adj. 有意识的,自觉的
unapologetic: adj. 不会感到抱歉的
empowerment: n. 权力
empower on sb.: 给……赋能
be closed off to sth.: 拒绝……
