夏说英语新闻晨读 第521期:遛狗公关要用心(在线收听


Dog-walking app Wag has been accused of trying to silence a couple whose dog died in the care of one of their dog walkers. Sara and Nick Moore, from Houston, Texas, say Wag offered them financial compensation in return for signing a non-disclosure agreement. Winnie, a wheaten terrier, was hit by a car on a walk arranged through the app. The company says it is "deeply saddened by what happened".

silence: vt. 使禁声
compensation: n. 赔偿
compensatevi. 赔偿;补偿
in return for: 以……为交换;作为……的报答
non-disclosure: n. 不披露
disclose: vt. 公开;揭露
wheaten terrier: 麦色梗(一种狗)
sadden: vt. 使……悲伤
condolence: n. 安慰
