夏说英语新闻晨读 第524期:盛装大都会(在线收听


The Met Gala, the benefit event for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute, is considered the highlight of New York's social calendar, attracting fashion designers and stars from around the world. It is known for its expensive tickets, exclusive guest list, and extravagant outfits that are based around a different theme each year. This year, the theme is Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination, which showcases how Catholicism has influenced fashion throughout history.

gala: n. 盛会;节日
benefit/charity event: 慈善活动
metropolitan: adj. 大都会的
costume: n. 服装;戏服
institute: n. 学院
institution: n. 机构
highlight: n. 精彩的活动;v. 突出,强调
social calendar: 社交日历
exclusive: adj. 独家的;专有的
exclusive news: 独家报道
extravagant: adj. 昂贵的;不切实际的
outfit: n.(为特定场合或活动而穿的)全套服装
theme: n. 主题
theme park: 主题乐园
heavenly body: 天体
Catholic: adj. 天主教的;n. 天主教徒
showcase: vt. 展示
Catholicism: n. 天主教;天主教义
throughout history: 在历史上;有史以来
