夏说英语新闻晨读 第525期:三喵军团之歌(在线收听


After a heart-breaking week for English football fans, Three Lions is number one on this week's official singles chart. It's the first time in chart history a song has scored four spells at number one with the same artist line-up. The song is a testament to how its message of hope-against-the-odds is reflected in every international England ever played. We don't need another football anthem... unless we win.

heart-breaking: adj. 让人心碎的
single: n. 单曲
chart: n. 排行榜
spell: n. 魔咒,咒语;时期,任期 vt. 拼写
line-up: n. 阵容
testament: n. 证明;圣约
hope-against-the-odds: 逆来顺受;情况再差,仍抱有希望
international: n. 国际比赛
anthem: n. 队歌,国歌
