夏说英语新闻晨读 第526期:人人都爱冰淇淋(在线收听


The No. 1 driver of ice cream cravings is its sweetness, explained Gail Civille, founder and president of Sensory Spectrum, a firm that helps companies learn how sensory cues drive consumer perceptions of products. The amount of fat is important, too. To even be called "ice cream," a product must contain at least 10% milk fat, which can come from milk, cream or butter. "The more butterfat, the better the mouth feel," Sweetness — which contributes to the taste variable — and fat — which contributes to texture — are key players in the likability of any particular ice cream.

driver: n. 驱动力
craving: n. 渴望
craving for: 对……的渴望
sensory: adj. 感官的
cue: n. 提示;线索
consumer perception: 消费者认知
contribute to: 是……的原因之一
variable: n. 变量
key player/part: 关键因素
likability: n. 喜爱;可爱度
likable: adj. 可爱的
