夏说英语新闻晨读 第533期:亚马逊CEO再上头条(在线收听


The Amazon chief executive, Jeff Bezos, has accused the publisher of the National Enquirer of "extortion and blackmail" in a blogpost alleging it threatened to publish revealing personal photos unless he publicly affirmed the paper's reporting was not politically motivated. Bezos, who is the world's richest man and owns the Washington Post, became the subject of tabloid papers in January after he and his wife, MacKenzie, announced they were divorcing. Shortly after, the National Enquirer published "intimate text messages" revealing Bezos's relationship with Lauren Sánchez, a former TV anchor.

accuse: vt. 指责
extortion: n. 敲诈
blackmail: n. 威胁
allege: vt. 指控
revealing: adj. 暴露细节的
tabloid papers: 八卦小报
intimate: adj. 暧昧的
