夏说英语新闻晨读 第534期:假期结束该减肉啦!(在线收听


If you ask almost any fitness professional how to lose your love handles, they will tell you two things: No amount of abdominal crunches will make a difference if you don't first improve your diet and exercise regimen. Love handles, the pinchable fat on both sides of your stomach that leads to a "muffin top" appearance, are especially stubborn. Gunnar Peterson, who trains Hollywood actors and professional athletes, advocates a comprehensive lifestyle approach that includes clean eating, adequate sleep, stress management, plenty of hydration, and high-intensity interval training.

fitness professional: 健身专业人士
love handle: 腰间赘肉
abdominal: adj. 腹部的
abdomen: n. 腹部
abdominal crunch: 仰卧起坐,卷腹
regimen: n. 养生之道,生活规则
pinchable: adj. 能捏到的
muffin top: 腰间赘肉
stubborn: adj. 顽固的
Gunnar: n. 贡纳;冈纳(人名)
hydration: n. 水合作用
high-intensity interval training: 高强度间歇性训练(HIIT)
