夏说英语新闻晨读 第535期:古驰黑脸毛衣被批种族歧视(在线收听


Gucci has withdrawn a polo neck jumper from its shops after social media users said it resembled blackface. The $890 'balaclava' knit, part of the autumn/winter 2018 collection, covers the bottom half of the face and has a cutout mouth with large red lips. On Wednesday, Twitter and Instagram users posted pictures of the jumper, with several pointing to the fact it was currently Black History Month in the US.

withdraw: v. 撤回,召回;取(钱)
jumper: n. 套头毛衣
resemble: v. 与……相似
knit: n. 毛衣
cutout: n. 剪下的图案
Black History Month: 黑人历史月(2月)
