夏说英语新闻晨读 第539期:爱自己 想吃就吃(在线收听


One study found that people who practiced self-compassion after they ate a doughnut ate less later on compared with those who weren't as kind to themselves. The negative internal dialogue from a one-time "slip" can cause you to make poor food choices at future meals. "You want to embrace your whole self. You are a person and you are not good or bad depending on what you ate. When you practice self-compassion, you give yourself more wiggle room to make better choices down the road.

self-compassion: 自我同情
compassion: n. 同情,怜悯
doughnut: n. 甜面圈
slipv. 失手
wiggle room: 回旋余地
wiggle one’s hips: 扭屁股
down the road: 将来某个时候
