夏说英语新闻晨读 第540期:奥斯卡颁奖风波不断(在线收听


The organisers of the Oscars have reversed an earlier decision to hand out four awards during ad breaks after facing a major backlash. The presentations for live action short, cinematography, editing and make-up and hair were to be streamed online in an effort to shorten this year's TV broadcast on 24 February. Dozens of directors, cinematographers and actors had criticised the decision. Organisers said they had heard the "feedback" and changed their mind.

reverse: v. 逆转,颠倒
hand out: 颁发
backlash: n. 强烈反对,反冲
live action short: 真人短片
cinematography:n. 电影摄影
stream: v. 播出;涌进
