英语听力精选进阶版 10166(在线收听

The United Nations is preparing to hold an emergency meeting within the next hour to discuss the intervention by Egyptian security forces on Muslim Brotherhood protest camps in the capital Cairo. Officials say more than 600 people were killed. The meeting to take place behind close doors was called by Britain, France and Australia. In Washington, President Obama has strongly condemned violence in Egypt that has left more than 500 people dead. Mr. Obama cancelled a joint military exercise that was due to take place in September.


"While we wanna sustain our relationship with Egypt, our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians have been killed in the streets. As a result, this morning we notified the Egyptian government that we are canceling our biannual joint military exercise, which was scheduled for next month. Going forward, I've asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interim government.


An overnight curfew has come into force for a second night in Cairo and a number of other Egyptian cities. During the day, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with security forces in Alexandria and set fire to a government building in Giza in Cairo's western suburbs. They've also buried some of their dead. Our correspondent Chan Mklile says it’s a distressing picture in Cairo.

开罗等其他埃及城市的宵禁实施到第二晚,在白天,穆斯林兄弟会的支持者在亚历山大港与安全部队发生冲突,并放火烧了位于开罗西部郊区吉萨的政府大楼。还埋葬了一些死者。记者Chan Mklile说开罗的场景令人揪心。

"One of the scenes, that I've seen just tonight coming back from a makeshift morgue, is one of the mosques since seen all those dead bodies just lying around. Some of them, actually, you know, rotting, and you know, you couldn’t see the rotting bodies, but you could smell them. And all those families in the sense of chaos, and the sense of disbelieving that this is happening to their loved ones. I think it's beyond worrying now, you just think where this is going to end?"


A bomb has exploded in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut in a stronghold of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Local media said at least 14 people have been killed and about 200 injured. Jim Muir reports from Beirut.


"Several hours after the blast, fire engines were still struggling to put out the blazes which were sending columns of smoke pouring out of two apartment blocks, one on each side of the busy street where the bomb went off. Ambulances queued up to ferry a stream of casualties to hospital. A video posted on the internet said it was carried out by a hitherto unknown group calling itself the Battalions of Ayesha. It's a name with Sunni connotations, reinforcing the assumption here that the attack was in reprisal for Hezbollah's opening involvement in the war in Syria against the mainly Sunni rebels."

“爆炸发生几小时后,消防车仍在努力扑灭向外冒出阵阵烟雾的两座大楼,两座楼分别位于这条繁忙街道的两侧。救护车排队将伤亡者送往医院,网络上的一段视频显示,这场大火是由一个自称Battalions of Ayesha的组织实施的,目前还未听说过该组织。该组织的名字有逊尼派的意味,这就让人更加相信袭击是为了报复真主党公开涉入与主要为逊尼派叛军作战的叙利亚内战。”

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he's deeply troubled by Israel's continued settlement building. Speaking at a news conference with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, Mr. Ban said the expansion of Jewish settlements on occupied land in East Jerusalem and West Bank would ultimately prevent a Palestinian state from being established. His visit to the region coincides with the new peace talks.


The Iranian parliament has voted to reject three of the 18 proposed cabinet ministers of the new President Hassan Rouhani. Two of the rejected ministers were criticized by parliamentarians as being ally to reformist opposition leaders who disputed the outcome of the 2009 presidential election, a dispute that led to a huge street protest across Iran.


A judge in Los Angeles has sentenced a man who pretended to be a member of the Rockefeller family to 27 years to life in prison for murder. German born Christian Gerhartsreiter was found guilty of murdering the son of his landlady in 1985. Peter Bowes reports from Los Angeles.

洛杉矶法官判定一名假装是洛克菲勒家族成员的男子以谋杀罪,并判刑27年徒刑。德国出生的Christian Gerhartsreiter被判1985年谋杀了女房东的儿子。彼得·鲍伊斯在洛杉矶报道。

"He disappeared and in the following years masqueraded across the United States under a series of identities, including as an heir to the Rockefeller oil fortune. He changed his name to Clark Rockefeller, got married and even fooled his wife for 12 years. He also pretended to be a Hollywood producer and an English aristocrat during the years awaiting the arrest."


One of the biggest stars of the world athletics championships in Moscow has spoken out in support of her country's clampdown on gay rights. Russian pole-vaulter, Yelena Isinbayeva who drew the loudest cheers from the crowd when she won her third world title, said nude demonstrations of support for gay people by foreign athletes were disrespectful. She told a news conference Russians were different from European people. Legislation passed in June, she said, meant they were a punishable offence and everyone had to respect that.


Scientists in the United States have discovered a new species of mammal, Raccoon-sized creature with a teddy bear face called the Olinguito. The animal lives in the mountainous forests of Ecuador and Colombia, and for more than a century it was mistaken for its large close cousin, the Olingo. Researchers at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C examine teeth, skull and skin specimens.

