英语听力精选进阶版 10179(在线收听

The United States says it cannot allow diplomatic paralysis to serve as a shield for the Syrian leadership. The State Department criticized Russia after it used a meeting of the five permanent members of the Security Council to block a resolution which would have authorized measures to protect civilians in Syria. From the United Nations, here is Nick Bryant.

美国表示,他们不允许外交瘫痪成为叙利亚领导层的盾牌。此前,俄罗斯利用联合国安理会五个常任理事国会议阻止了一份决议,该决议原本授权采取措施保护叙利亚平民,美国国务院对其提出了批评。联合国,Nick Bryant报道。

Britain convened a meeting of the permanent five members of the Security Council to discuss a possible resolution authorizing the use of forces in Syria. But it failed to break the diplomatic deadlock between the UK, US and France who favor a military response to last week's chemical attack and Russia and China which have repeatedly blocked punitive measures against the Assad regime. America said afterwards they heard nothing different from the Russians during the closed-door meeting and also that the Syrian government couldn't continue to hide behind what it called Moscow's intransigence.


The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the UN can not consider any draft resolution or proposed action in Syria before the UN weapons inspectors there finish their investigation into last week's alleged chemical attack. Syria's ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari has at meanwhile called for UN inspectors to be allowed to complete their work without military or political pressure.

俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)表示,在联合国武器调查小组对上周化学武器袭击的调查结束之前,联合国不应考虑任何协议草案或者对叙利亚的任何行动。与此同时,叙利亚驻联合国大使贾法里(Bashar Jaafari)也呼吁允许联合国调查人员在没有军事或政治压力的情况下完成工作。

Syrians in Damascus are preparing for possible air strikes with people stocking up on basic supplies or trying to find somewhere to stay away from the likeliest targets. The BBC's Jeremy Bowen sent this report from the city.

大马士革叙利亚人做好准备迎接可能遭遇的空袭,一些人聚集在基础设施附近,或者试图逃离可能的袭击目标。BBC记者Jeremy Bowen从大马士革发回报道。

Damascus seems quiet among trips I made here earlier this year. The city is waiting decisions that are been taken elsewhere. The Syrian war is about to move into a new phase. Army roadblocks stop traffic every few miles down the highway in-and-from the Lebanese border as they had since the war started. I saw some activities around military bases, men moving about the entrances. News agencies quoting residents and opponents of the Assad regime have reported that some heavy weaponry has been moved out of bases and staff are partially vacated some headquarters’ buildings.


President Obama has been addressing crowds in Washington commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's landmark I Have A Dream speech. President Obama praised what he called Dr. King's soaring oratory. He also hailed other civil rights demonstrators of the time.


“Because they marched, the civil rights law was passed. Because they marched, a voting rights law was signed. Because they marched, doors of opportunity and education swung open so their daughters and sons could finally imagine a life for themselves beyond washing somebody else's laundry or shining somebody else's shoes. Because they marched, city councils changed and state legislators changed and Congress changed, and yes, eventually the White House changed.”


Israeli authorities have completed once said to be the last major airlift of an ancient community of Ethiopian Jews seeking a new home in Israel. Two flights carrying 450 people have arrived in Tel Aviv. The Falash Mura, a community whose ancestors converted from Judaism to Christianity under duress a century ago, but who've retained some Jewish customs. Thousands of Ethiopian Jews have resettled in Israel, but many complain of discrimination in their new homeland.

以色列当局完成了希望在以色列安家的埃塞俄比亚犹太人古老社区居民的最后一次重大空运活动。两架搭载着450人的航班抵达特拉维夫。一个世纪以前,“法拉沙人”(Falash Mura)的祖先迫于压力从犹太教徒改为基督徒,但是还保留着一些犹太习俗。数千名埃塞俄比亚犹太人重新定居以色列,但是许多人抱怨称在新的土地上受到歧视。

In the United States, a military court has sentenced a former US army psychiatrist to death after finding him guilty of shooting dead 13 soldiers in 2009. Prosecutors say that Nidal Hasan, a convert to Islam, targeted soldiers at the Fort Hood base in Texas in revenge for civilian death in Afghanistan and Iraq. Alistair Leithead reports.

在美国,军事法庭判处2009年枪杀13名士兵的陆军心理医生死刑。检控官表示,伊斯兰教信徒哈桑(Nidal Hasan)在德克萨斯州胡德堡陆军基地向士兵开枪,目的是报复阿富汗和伊拉克的平民伤亡。Alistair Leithead报道。

Major Nidal Hasan sat in a wheelchair as the panel of the military juries delivered their ruling. He was paralyzed by the shots that finally stopped his killing spray on the same base four years ago. His beard now unkempt and greying. The 42-year -old listened carefully as the prosecutor went through the personal stories of each life he took, the loss suffered by parents, widows and children. He looked at each photograph of the 13 he killed, one a pregnant woman, her unborn child also died, but he showed little sign of emotion.

主犯哈桑(Nidal Hasan)坐在轮椅上,军队陪审团宣布判决。哈桑在枪击事件中受伤瘫痪,这才阻止他在四年前继续乱枪扫射士兵。现在,他的胡须已经苍白凌乱。检控官历数被他杀害的每一个人的生命历程和鳏寡孤独者遭受的痛苦时,42岁的哈桑认真倾听。他逐一观看了13名遇难者的照片,其中一人是孕妇,未出生的婴儿也蒙难。但是他没有表现出任何情绪。

Scientists in California say a slowdown in the rate of global warming can be explained by a natural cooling in part of the Pacific Ocean. Their research published in the journal Nature, explains why there has been no significant global warming in the past 15 years. The scientists say that the colder waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean have counteracted the increased levels of man-made carbon dioxide. But they warn that the Pacific will enter a warmer phase at some point at which the global average temperatures will accelerate upwards.

