英语听力精选进阶版 10183(在线收听

The American Secretary of State John Kerry says he'd firmed evidence has emerged that the nerve agent sarin was used in last month suspected chemical attack near Damascus. On Saturday, President Obama firmly asked Congress to vote on military action against Syria. David Willis reports from Washington.


Speaking on American television, Mr. Kerry said the Obama administration had learned to the use of sarin gas in Syria in the last 24 hours based on hair and blood samples provided by the first people to reach the scene of the most recent alleged chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of Damascus. He said it underlines the fact that Congress needed to vote in favour of a military strike on Syria and he was confident that it would do so. But he added that President Obama has the authority to act alone if Congress rejected such a move.


The Arab League has urged the United Nations and the international community to take deterrent measures against Syria. At a meeting of Foreign Ministers in Cairo, the Arab League again accused of Syrian government of being behind a chemical attack last month. But the Jordanian government has told the BBC it will not take part in any military action. Lyse Doucet is in Amman.

阿盟敦促联合国和国际社区对叙利亚采取遏制措施,在开罗召开的外长会议上,阿盟再次指责叙利亚政府上月实施化学袭击。但约旦政府告诉BBC不会参与任何军事行动,Lyse Doucet在阿曼报道。

Jordan's King Abdullah is one of Washington's closest Arab allies, his country has been quietly providing some training and intelligence to Syrian opposition forces. But it has emphasized it will not allow its territory to be a launchpad for any strike even if there are discussions behind the scenes of what it can do in this crisis - like many other Arab stakes - it's unlikely to publicly join any military action to avoid provoking its neighbours and causing unrest at home.


State television in Egypt has announced the deposed Islamist President Mohammed Morsi will stand trial for incitement to murder. The charge related to the deaths of several people during protest against Mr. Morsi outside the Presidential Palace last December. Fourteen other members of the Muslim Brotherhood will also appear in court on the same charges.


Clashes and explosions at a camp for Iranian dissidents in Iraq have left a number of people dead but there are conflicting accounts of what happened. The exiled group, the People's Mujahideen Organization of Iran, has posted graphic photographs of what it says of the victims. Kasra Naji has this report.

伊拉克境内的伊朗异见人士营地发生冲突和爆炸,导致多人丧生,但不同人对有关情况的陈述相矛盾。被流放组织伊朗人民圣战者组织发布所谓受害者的血腥照片。Kasra Naji报道。

The People's Mujahideen Organization says Camp Ashraf which houses more than 100 of its members was attacked by Iraqi government forces in the early hours of Sunday. The group says dozens of its members were killed, many of them shot in the head at a close range. They accused the Iraqi government of carrying out the operation at the behest of Iran. Iraqi authorities on the other hand say the casualties are mostly the result of mystery explosions of gas cylinders inside the camp.


The Senegalese President Macky Sall has named the new Prime Minister hours after sacking a man he appointed after coming to power last year. Aminata Toure, the former Justice Minister told state radio he'd accepted the invitation to form a new government. No reason has been given for the dismiss of Abdoul Mbaye, a former banker.

塞内加尔总统任命了新总理,就在几小时前,他刚刚解雇去年任命的一人。前司法部长Aminata Toure告诉国家电台,他已接受邀请组建新政府。尚不清楚前银行家Abdoul Mbaye被解雇的原因。

The Wales footballer Gareth Bale has signed a deal that sort of had made him the world's most expensive player. The Spanish club Real Madrid is reported to have paid a transfer fee over $132m for the Tottenham Hotspur winger on a six-year contract. Richard Conway reports.

威尔士球员格瑞斯·贝尔签署了一份合约,成为全世界收入最高的球员。据悉西班牙俱乐部皇家马德里队为这位托特纳姆热刺边锋6年合约支付了超过1.32亿美元的转会费。Richard Conway报道。

The transfer has been expected for weeks. However it's believed the deal suffered delays due to the negotiations over how Real would structured the record payment. Tottenham's perception at the Spanish giants will been presumptuous in firstly building a ground stage to present any player and briefly selling replica shirts with his named on back didn't help either. The move captured a remarkable rise to the top for the 24-year-old, but he has prompted questions for Michel Platini, the head of the UEFA, the European football confederation, if such transfer fees are healthy for the game? Richard Conway is reporting.

人们期待这次转会已经数周了,然而据悉在如何安排这一创纪录的费用上协商未定,因此协议受到延误。托特纳姆热刺对这家西班牙豪门的态度很专横,先是建了地面舞台来推出任何一位球员,并快速出售背后印有球员名字的复制品衬衫,但都不起作用。此举使得这位24岁球员身价大涨,但也给欧洲足球联合会(UEFA)主席米歇尔·普拉蒂尼提出了问题,这样高的转会费对这项运动来说合适吗?Richard Conway报道。

The Venezuelan Financial Minister Nelson Merentes has acknowledged that the economic policies of the late-President Hugo Chavez and his successor have not been successful. In a TV interview, Mr. Merentes said despite having used the country's oil wealth to improve the living standards of many Venezuelans, the government still have to solve what he called structural economic problems.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her main challenger Peer Steinbrueck have held their only televised debate ahead of the general election later this month. Mr. Steinbrueck condemned Ms. Merkel's approach to Europe's debts crisis saying that austerity had failed. Ms. Merkel said her rival and his party, the Social Democrats had voted in support of her policies in parliament.

