英语听力精选进阶版 10185(在线收听

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned US senators before their debate on Syria next week that they must not fail to respond to what he called an undeniable chemical attack by President Assad on his own people. He said standing aside would give the green light to other dictators. But Mr. Kerry said he wanted to make it clear that President Obama's objectives were limited.

下周,美国参议员将针对叙利亚问题展开辩论,在此之前,美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)警告称,面对总统阿萨德向自己的人民发动的无可辩驳的化学武器袭击,我们不能不做出反应。他表示,袖手旁观将会向其他独裁者亮起绿灯。但是克里表示,他希望明确一点,奥巴马总统的目标非常有限。

He is asking only for the power to make clear, to make certain that the United States means what we say, that the world, when we join together in a multilateral statement, mean what we say. He's asking for authorization to degrade and deter Bashar al-Assad's capacity to use chemical weapons.


The leader of the Republicans in the US House of Representatives John Boehner has said he supports Barack Obama's call for military intervention in Syria, a significant boost for the president.

美国众议院共和党领导人伯纳(John Boehner)表示,他支持奥巴马总统对叙利亚采取军事干涉的呼吁,这对总统来说是重大支持。

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said that if it is proved that chemical weapons were used in Syria the Security Council has an obligation to act but he added that the use of force would only be legal with UN approval. Nick Bryant reports.

联合国秘书长潘基文表示,如果证实叙利亚确实使用了化学武器,安理会有义务采取行动。但是他补充说,只有在联合国批准的情况下,使用武力才是合法的。Nick Bryant报道。

While the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stop short of using the word illegal to describe any possible military action by America against Syria. He said the use of force would only be lawful in self-defense or it backed by the Security Council. If confirmed the use of chemical weapons would mark a serious violation of international law, he said but a military response could unleash more turmoil.


“I take no to the argument for action to prevent a future uses of chemical weapons. At the same time, we must consider the impact of any punitive measure on efforts to prevent further bloodshed.”


The Secretary General said that the weapons inspectors who left Syria over the weekend were trying to expedite the process of testing their samples to find out if chemical weapons have been used.


A UN team in Iraq says it’s counted 52 bodies at a camp for Iranian dissidents where killings were reported on Sunday. A statement said most of the victims were shot in the head. The UN called on the Iraqi government to mount an impartial investigation.


Eighty thousands gold miners have begun a strike in South Africa. As the strike began the national union of mine workers said it would accept a 10% raise instead of their original demand of 60%. From Johannesburg here's Will Ross.

南非80,000名金矿工人开始罢工。罢工开始时,全国矿工联盟表示,他们将接受10%的加薪幅度,而不是此前要求的60%。Will Ross在约翰内斯堡报道。

The General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers Frans Baleni told the BBC that if the gold companies offered a 10% wage increase, this would be accepted and the strike would called off. Despite this development, the main gold mining union has also issued a hard-hitting statement saying the strike would change the gold mining landscape forever. It said it was aware of the devastating impact industrial action would have on the economy, calling it largely a white man's economy with no benefits for poor black mine workers.

南非全国矿工联盟(National Union of Mineworkers, NUM)秘书长巴兰尼(Frans Baleni)告诉BBC,如果金矿商为他们加薪10%,他们会接受,罢工也会取消。尽管事态取得进展,主要的金矿联盟也发表了一份打击性的声明,称这次罢工将永久性地改变金矿的蓝图。声明称,他们意识到罢工可能对经济造成的毁灭性影响,称这主要是白人的经济,贫穷的黑人矿工没有任何益处。

Parliament in Kenya has been recalled for an emergency session to debate ending the country's membership of the International Criminal Court. Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto is due to appear at the ICC next week on charges of crimes against humanity. President Uhuru Kenyatta will appear in November.

肯尼亚议会召开紧急会议,辩论是否退出国际刑事法庭。肯尼亚副总统卢托(William Ruto)下周将出现在国际刑事法庭,接受人权罪指控。总统乌乎鲁·肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta)将在11月份出庭。

The German agency responsible for hunting down Nazi era war criminals has recommended that 30 former guards of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland face charges of helping to commit murder even if they didn't personally kill anyone. The move follows the case of former death camp guard John Demjanjuk. Two years ago, a judge decided that he was guilty of facilitating mass murder even without evidence of his direct involvement.

负责追捕纳粹时代战犯的德国机构建议,波兰奥斯维辛集中营的30名前守卫应该面临谋杀罪指控,即使他们没有亲手杀害任何人。此前,死亡集中营前守卫德米扬鲁克(John Demjanjuk)被控告。两年前,一名法官决定,他犯有协助大规模谋杀罪,即使没有证据证明他直接参与。

Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel welcomed today's decision.

以色列西蒙·维森塔尔中心(Simon Wiesenthal Center)的祖洛夫(Efraim Zuroff)对今天的决定表示欢迎。

This is a good indication, this is an indication that some of the prosecutors in Germany are taking their tasks very seriously, and of course, the important messages that all they should not protect people committed crimes and a passage of time no way diminished the guilty of the killers. So, certainly today, these prosecutions sent a very important, positive message.


A Communist-era prison governor in Romania has been charged with genocide. It's the first such case since the execution of the former leader Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena in 1989. Our Central Europe correspondent Nick Thorpe has the details.

罗马尼亚共产主义时代一名监狱管理员被控告种族灭绝罪。这是自前独裁者齐奥塞斯库(Nicolae Ceausescu)和他的妻子1989年被处决以来的第一起类似案件。我们的中欧通讯员Nick Thorpe报道详细内容。

Alexander Visinescu now 88 years old was commander of the prison in Ramnicu Sarat in eastern Romania from 1956 to 1963. He stands accused of responsibility for the beating and starving of prisoners and denying them basic health care during his seven years in charge. Up to 100,000 are believed by historians to have died. In his defense, Mr. Visinescu has said he was simply following orders. The prosecution is widely seen as a test case and could lead to more trials.

现年88岁的Alexander Visinescu在1956年至1963年担任罗马尼亚东部Ramnicu Sarat市的监狱指挥官。他被指控七年任职期间殴打,饿死囚犯,拒绝为他们提供基本的医疗措施。历史学家相信,在此期间,共有100,000人死亡。Visinescu辩护称,他只是执行命令。这起控罪被广泛地视为试验性案件,可能会引发更多审判。
