疑犯追踪第1季 第64期:支离破碎的人生(在线收听

 Uh, that woman in there... y-you know her? 里面那个女人……你认识她吗?

No. But, uh, I know someone like her. 不。只是,我认识像她那样的人。
What about you? 你呢?
Hmm? 嗯?
Why are you here? 你为什么来这?
I lost someone very close to me. 我失去了一个很亲近的人。
I'm sorry. 我很遗憾。
Not a day goes by I don't think about what I could've done. 我无时无刻不在回想我当时能做什么好挽回这一切。
Yeah. It took me years to piece together what happened to my friend. 是啊。很多年后我才明白我朋友到底出了什么事。
You know, I thought I could...Live with it. 我说,我觉得……我能挺过去。
I put it behind me. 我终究放下了。
I had a good job, a good life. 我有份好工作,美好人生。
And then I saw him a month ago. 然后我在一个月前看到了他。
And it all came back. 于是一切又都回来了。
He was eating dinner at this little french place in my neighborhood. 他那时在吃晚饭,就在我家附近的一间法国小餐馆。
He was out on a date. 他在约会。
He looked content. 他看起来相当志得意满。
My world is shattered, and he looks content. 我的世界支离破碎,而他却志得意满。
Sorry. I don't know why I'm telling you all this. 抱歉。我不知道怎么就和你说起这些来了。
Hey, everybody needs someone to talk to. 人总得找个人聊聊。
I'm John. 我叫约翰。
I'm Kate. Kate Leman. 我叫凯特,凯特·莱曼。
The photos are some kind of sick trophies of his victims. 这些照片是那个变态的奖杯吗。
Benton convinces these women to do coke with him, slips them a sedative, then rapes them. 说服了这些女人跟他一起吸毒,偷偷对她们用镇定剂,然后再强奸。
In the morning, they're too afraid to come forward and implicate themselves. 到了早上,她们就怕地不敢再出面,而且还把自己搭进去了。
I suppose that explains why the charges against him are consistently dropped. 我想这就能解释为什么这些针对他的指控一直都主动撤销了。
The guy's depraved...Gets off on violating and humiliating all these women. 这人够堕落最喜欢侵犯和羞辱这些女人。
He's not gonna stop, finch. 他不会罢手,芬奇。