疑犯追踪第1季 第65期:女医生的复仇计划(在线收听

 Did you get a hit on that name the doctor gave me? 那医生给我的假名你查到什么有用的吗?

We got three hits on Kate Leman, the same pseudonym she gave to Benton. 我找到三个凯特·莱曼,就是她给本顿的那个假名。
The first is an 80-year-old woman living in the Bronx. 第一个是住在布隆克斯的80岁老太太。
The second is living upstate at a woman's corrections facility. 第二个住在上城区女子劳教所。
The third has a P.O.Box, a block from Tillman's hospital. 第三个有个邮箱,就开在离提尔曼工作的医院一条街的地方。
She recently signed rental agreements for a van and a vacation home in Montauk. 她最近租了一辆面包车和蒙特卡的一个度假屋。
You find the house? 你找到那房子了吗?
And then some. 还有些别的东西。
Doctor has everything she needs to erase Benton for good. 医生有用来彻底抹杀掉本顿的东西。
What do you mean "Erase?" 你说的抹杀是什么意思?
8 pounds of lye, heated to 300 degrees, body will dissolve in three hours, give or take. 八磅碱,加热到300华氏度,尸体三个小时便无影无踪,大约这个数。
I will refrain from asking how you know that. 我就不问你是怎么知道的了。
Oh, Finch, she's meticulous, planned everything to a "T," and she's gonna get away with it. 芬奇,她做事极为细致,策划所有这一切都是为了报仇,并且她会逍遥法外。
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe she's not doing the world a favor. 我都忍不住要这么想,她这么做是不是帮了这个世界一个忙。
But Tillman isn't a killer. 但提尔曼不是个杀手。
She goes through with it, it'll ruin her life. 她要是这么做了,会毁了她的一生。
What do you suggest, Mr. Reese? 你有什么建议,里瑟先生?
We don't give her the chance. 我们不给她机会下手。
I'm gonna find a way to make Benton disappear. 我会想办法让本顿消失。
Decided to help me? 决定帮我了吗?
I'm not so easy to replace, huh? 我还是难以替代的哈?
I'm warning you, these Cartel guys will put two in your back, so don't leave any of them standing. 我警告你,这些毒贩会从背后偷袭你,所以别给他们还手的机会。
You need me here...you sure you don't want me to go around back and cover the exits? 你要不要我……你真的不要我到后面去守着出口吗?
No, you're good right here. 不用,你在这就好。