英语听力精选进阶版 10200(在线收听

A leading human rights lawyer in Iran is among a number of political prisoners who’ve been released just days before the new President Hassan Rouhani travels to New York to address the UN General Assembly. Nasrin Sotoudeh, who represented the Noble Prize winner Shirin Ebadi had been convicted of endangering national security. She told the BBC she was delighted to be free.

就在新总统鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)前往纽约参加联合国大会几天之前,伊朗几名政治犯获得释放,一名杰出的人权律师就在其中。代表诺贝尔奖得主希尔琳·艾芭迪(Shirin Ebadi)的律师纳斯林·索托德(Nasrin Sotoudeh)曾被判危害国家安全。她告诉BBC,能够重获自由她感到很高兴。

I finally got my wish personally ringing my doorbell myself because of I gain a leave in prison. I went to my door, and pressed the doorbell myself. I could see the children could see me from the intercom downstairs. They were very happy and I was very happy to see them.


Seven other women and three men are also reported to have been freed. President Rouhani was elected on promises of a more moderate and open approach.


Russia says it will represent new evidence to the UN Security Council that Syrian rebels carried out last month’s chemical weapons attack outside Damascus. The United States has said there’s no doubt that Syrian government forces were responsible for gassing hundreds of civilians. When speaking in Damascus, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the Syrian government wants to prove that’s not true.

俄罗斯表示,他们会向联合国安理会递交新的证据,证明上月在大马士革城外实施化学武器袭击的是叙利亚叛军。美国表示,毫无疑问,应该为毒杀数百名平民负责的是叙利亚政府军。在大马士革发表讲话时,俄罗斯副外长亚布科夫(Sergei Ryabkov)表示,叙利亚政府想要证明这不是真的。

We have indeed received additional evidence collected, analyzed and concluded upon by the Syrian authorities on what they believe it’s prove for use of chemical weapons by insurgents, so-called insurgents.


Stock markets in the United States have hit record highs after the surprised decision of the world’s most powerful central bank the Federal Reserve to leave its economic stimulate measures in place. The bank said it wanted to wait for more evidence of a sustained economic recovery before cutting back its program of plumping $85b a month into the markets. Here’s our economic correspondent Andrew Walker.

世界上最有权势的中央银行美联储做了出人意料的决定,继续推行其刺激经济措施,纽约股市创下历史新高。美国中央银行表示,他们在缩减每月向经济体中注入850亿美元的项目之前希望看到更多经济稳健的证据。我们的经济通讯员Andrew Walker报道。

The Fed’s intentions which have be the main focus in financial markets of more than three months. There’s no weird doubt that it will some states face out the policy known as Quantitative easing. But many in the market thought it would start that process now, instead the US central bank decides to wait for more evidence that the economy including the employment situation is getting stronger. Although the recovery from the financial crisis has been more rapid in America than in many European countries, it’s still not regarded as particularly strong.


The government of Mexico has declared a state of emergency in 77 areas of the country as heavy rain and floods brought by twin storms lasperes the east and west coast line. Around 45,000 tourists and Mexican nationals remain stranded in the coastal resort of Acapulco. Rescue efforts have been hampered as both roads linking it to Mexico City are blocked by landslides.


Britain Supreme, I bet your pardon, Brazilian Supreme Court has now voted in favor of reopening the country’s biggest corruption trial. In a final vote to break an earlier deadlock, the Supreme Court agreed appeals by 12 leading politicians,bankers and businessmen should be heard. They’ve been convicted of involvement in paying opposition politicians to support the government and parliament. The scandal has erupted in 2005 under the previous President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

巴西最高法庭投票支持重开该国最大的腐败案审判。在打破此前僵局的最后的投票中,最高法院同意听证12名杰出政客,银行家和商人的上诉。他们被判贿赂反对派政客酬劳来支持议会和政府。2005年,前总统卢拉(Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva)执政期间爆出该丑闻。

There have been clashes across Greek said demonstrations sparked by the killing of a left wing musician by a suspected member of a Neo-Nazi party. Mark Lowen is in Athens.

希腊各地爆发冲突,起因是一名左翼音乐家被一名新纳粹党可以分子杀害,引发示威活动。Mark Lowen在雅典报道。

Thousands gathered at the spot where 35-year-old Pavlos Fyssas was stabbed. As darkness fell the violence began with protesters attacking a bank and the a police station. Riot police used teargas and x to push them back. There was fury that the stabbing overnight of the left wing musician by a member of a Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party. The assailant has been arrested and confessed to the attack. Although Golden Dawn has denied links with the crime, police were reported to have found party leaflets and the membership card at his home.

数千人聚集在35岁的费萨斯(Pavlos Fyssas)被谋杀的地点。夜幕降临时开始出现暴力活动,抗议者袭击了一家银行和警察局。防暴警察使用催泪弹和烟雾弹迫使人群后退。一名左翼音乐家夜晚被新纳粹金色黎明党成员刺死,引发了愤怒。凶手已被逮捕,并且承认了袭击。尽管金色黎明党否认与该罪行有关,据报道,警方在犯罪分子家中发现了传单和会员卡。

Police in the United States have said the six bodies found in the lake in Oklahoma may be those people who went missing decades ago. Police divers testing new sonar equipment found two cars in the lake. One contained three bodies thought to be those teenagers who went missing in 1970s. Three bodies discovered in the other car are believed to be people who disappeared in the 1950s.


Britain’s most prestigious literature prize the Man Booker is changing its rule to allow all authors who write fictions in English to enter from next year. The chairman of the Booker Prize foundation said it was abandoning the constraint of geographic and national boundaries. At present, the $80,000 prize only considers works by writers from the Commonwealth, Ireland or Zimbabwe.

