英语听力精选进阶版 10206(在线收听

Experts from several countries and Interpol have joined Kenya's investigation into the four-day siege of the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi by Islamist militants in which at least 67 people died. The Kenyan Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku confirmed that five militants believed to be from the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab had also been killed. From Nairobi Will Ross reports.

来自几个国家和国际警察组织的专家加入肯尼亚的行列,针对伊斯兰激进分子对内罗毕Westgate购物中心为期四天的袭击展开调查,袭击活动造成至少67人死亡。肯尼亚内政部长蓝库(Joseph Ole Lenku)证实,据信来自索马里伊斯兰组织青年党的5名激进分子也被击毙。Will Ross在内罗毕报道。

It's likely to be a slow process as forensic experts from Britain, America, Israel, Germany and Canada search for clues to reveal the identity and nationalities of the gunmen. The Kenyan government says their work has begun inside the battered and bloodied walls of the Westgate mall. Following the collapse of part of the building it's believed that there are still bodies under the rubble, possibly some of the militants. As other high-profile institutions in Nairobi also considered potential targets, security has been stepped up but much more is needed to ensure that another large-scale attack cannot happen here.


At least 24 people have died in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on the third day of demonstrations against cuts in fuel subsidies. The director of Omdurman hospital Dr. Osama Mortada told the BBC's Arabic Service they were treating many people the bullet wounds. “Until 8pm today, we have received about 81 injured people and we have 21 dead. All have gunshot wounds, some in the chest, some in the head while others have bullet wounds in their extremities. I believe it's all live ammunition. We have carried out more than 30 operations today.”

在苏丹首都喀土穆抗议削减燃料补助的示威活动的第三天,至少24人死亡。乌姆杜尔曼医院主任Osama Mortada医生告诉BBC阿拉伯服务部门,他们正在治疗许多受了枪伤的人。“截止到今天晚上八点钟,我们已经接收了81名伤者,21人不治身亡。所有人都身受枪伤,一些人胸部中枪,一些人头部中枪,另外一些人手脚受伤。我相信,这些都是真枪实弹。我们今天进行了30多台手术。”

Earlier police fired teargas at stone-throwing demonstrators as riots broke out in parts of the capital.


Police in Athens have fired teargas to scatter protesters who'd gathered outside the headquarters of the far-right Golden Dawn party, a week after one of its members confessed to killing a left-wing musician Pavlos Fyssas. Mainstream parties had called for a large turnout to demonstrate support for democracy. Our Athens correspondent Mark Lowen was at the demonstration.

雅典警方施放催泪瓦斯,驱散聚集在极右翼金色黎明党总部外的抗议者。一周前,金色黎明党一名成员承认杀害左翼音乐家费萨斯(Pavlos Fyssas)。主流党派呼吁尽可能多的人示威,表达对民主的支持。我们的雅典通讯员Mark Lowen在示威活动现场。

We were pushed back by the police upper of the headquarter Golden Dawn who used teargas against the crowds. It hits us at one point quite badly, we have to turn on our gas masks and we were pushed back and then the crowds sort of dispersed to different sites, there were petrol bombs and thrown at the police, couple of things are setting on fire, it's all crackdown,but certainly, the mood here was very much angry against Golden Dawn but also angry against the government because many here believed that the government has too long tolerated and even appeased the neo-Nazis.


The number of people killed in a powerful earthquake that struck southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday has risen to about 350. Many more were injured in the quake in the remote area of Balochistan. The survivors urgently need clean water, medical supplies and tents.


The French Interior Minister Manuel Valls has defended his call for most of the country's Roma people to be removed to Bulgaria and Romania despite criticism from a cabinet colleague. Mr. Valls said he had no reason to correct his comments that many jobless Roma had no interest in integrating.

尽管受到内阁同僚的批评,法国内政部长曼努埃尔·瓦尔斯(Manuel Valls)仍然呼吁国内大部分罗姆人迁移至保加利亚和罗马尼亚。瓦尔斯表示,他没有任何理由纠正自己的言论,认为许多失业的罗姆人没有兴趣移民。

The FBI says a former Navy reservist to shot dead 12 people inside a Naval complex in Washington last week believed he was a victim of mind control. An FBI spokeswoman Valerie Parlave told reporters that Aaron Alexis had carved a number of phrases into the side of a gun used in the attack.

FBI表示,上周在华盛顿海军基地枪杀12人的前海军预备役军人相信自己是思想控制的受害者。FBI女发言人Valerie Parlave告诉记者,亚历克西(Aaron Alexis)在袭击中所用的手枪上雕刻了几个词语。

“At this point, I can't confirm that there are multiple indicators that Alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency or electromagnetic waves. The etching of ‘ My ELF weapon’ on the left side of the receiver of the Remington 870 shotgun is believed to reference these electromagnetic waves.”


She said Mr. Alexis acted alone and there was no indication that he targeted any specific individuals when he opened fire in the Navy Yard where he was working as contractor.


The first website for homosexuals in Pakistan has been blocked by the government. The site, Queerpk.com was launched in July with slogan ‘don't hate us, know us’. It aims to offer help and support for gay people.


The US yachting team has retained the America's Cup in one of the most dramatic finishes in the 160-year history of the competition. The Americans beat New Zealand in the final decisive race in San Francisco Bay. A week ago, New Zealand were leading by eight races to one needing a single victory to clinch the cup. But after tweaking their boat and recruiting the British multiple Olympic champion Sir Ben Ainslie to the group, Team USA won an unprecedented eight races in a row.

美国快艇队赢得了美洲杯冠军,这是这场比赛160年的历史上最为戏剧性的结局。在旧金山湾最后决定性的比赛,美国队击败新西兰队。一周前,新西兰领先八场,只要再胜一场就可以赢得美洲杯。但是调整了船只,招募了多次获得奥运冠军的英国选手Sir Ben Ainslie后,美国队最终连续八次获得冠军,这是前所未有的。
