英语听力精选进阶版 10210(在线收听

Italy’s fragile coalition government has collapsed after ministers belonging to the central-right party of the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said they were  resigning. Here’s BBC’s Rome correspondent Alan Johnston.


Tensions within the government has become extreme in recent days so much so that the center-left Prime Minister Enrico Letta said he would put business on hold until  he has an administration secured fresh backing in a parliamentary confidence vote. But Mr Berlusconi said he would not support the government that put important  economic matters onhold. And so his ministers have resigned, Mr. Letta said that the reasons that Mr. Berlusconi has given for the resignations are a huge lie,there  has been a complete breakdown in relations.

近来政府内部的紧张局面非常严重,中间左派总理恩里科·莱塔称将关闭政府,直到建立能在议会信任投票中重新获得支持的政府为止。但贝卢斯科尼称他不会支持停止重要的经济事务的政 府,因此他的部长们就辞了职,莱塔称贝卢斯科尼给出的辞职原因是弥天大谎,各方的关系已彻底崩溃。

At least 42 people have died in Nigeria after a boat overloaded capsized in the River Niger, more than 100 are still missing. Officials say the boat split in two after  setting off a village in Niger State. From Lagos,Tomi Oladipo.

一条超载的船只在尼日利亚尼日尔河上倾翻,导致至少42人丧生。官方称这艘船在尼日尔州出发后就一分为二,Tomi Oladipo在拉各斯报道。

The passengers were mostly traders returning home after a busy market day in another village before disaster struck, a spokesman for the state emergency management  agency says the boat had over 150 people on board, more than double the number of passengers it could handle, not counting the heavy goods they had with them.Officials  say the recovered corpses will be given a mass burial on the other river bank. Water transport is not well regulated on the river Niger and boats often travel  overloaded.

乘客多是在其他村庄参加热闹的集市后回家的商人,州紧急管理机构发言人称船上有150人左右,是船承载量的两倍多,还不算上乘客携带的沉重货物。官方称打捞出来的尸体将在河的对岸举 行公共葬礼。尼日尔河上的水上运输不规范,船只经常超载。

Officials in Tunisia said the Islamist-led government has agreed to step down in a few week's time and make way for a care-taker administration after negotiations with  the secular opposition are concluded. Talks in forming a transitional government could start in Monday. Peter Hiett reports.

突尼斯官方称,在与世俗派反对派完成协商后,伊斯兰领导的政府同意数周内下台,为临时政府铺平道路。有关组建临时政府的谈判将于周一开始。Peter Hiett报道。

The moderate Islamist party Ennahda which led the Tunisian government was careful to share power in the hope of avoiding the worst mistake of President Morsi and his  colleagues in Egypt, but he still find himself accused of being too soft on Islamist extremists, especially after the separate assassination of two leftist opponents,  it started outcry which led to talks with the secular opposition brokered by trade unions on how to emerge from Tunisia's political paralysis. The next step is three  days of talks on forming a non-party government followed by fresh elections.

领导突尼斯政府的温和伊斯兰党派复兴运动党在权力共享上小心谨慎,以避免埃及总统穆尔西技巧及同僚的错误,但仍被伊斯兰极端分子指责为过于软弱,尤其是两名左翼反对派遭暗杀后, 该党表示强烈抗议,由此在工会牵头下促成了与世俗派反对派的协商,商讨如何从突尼斯的政治瘫痪中崛起。下一步是在重新选举后就组建无党派政府进行三天的会谈。

The party in charge of destroying chemical weapons in Syria, the OPCW has said its first wave of experts will travel to Damascus on Sunday. A spokesman of the group  told BBC they are confident they can carry out the mission of verification and destruction on time provided they have Syrian and international support.

负责销毁叙利亚化武的国际禁止化学武器组织(OPCW)称第一批专家将于周日抵达大马士革。该组织发言人告诉BBC,他们相信只要有叙利亚和国际上的支持,是可以及时完成核实和销毁工作的 。

A suicide car bomb attack in Northern Mali has killed two people and left several wounded, it’s the first such attack since president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita took  power last month, promising to make security a top priority.


Parliamentary elections have taken place in Guinea for the first time in more than a decade,early indications suggest a high turnout, although some logistical problems  have been reported, the vote was due to be held within a month of Alpha Conde becoming transitional president in 2010 following a military coup but it was repeatedly  delayed.


The three-month investigation into the death in June of 19 firefighters who died battling a wildfire in the U.S. State of Arizona, a site of poor communication between  the men and support stuff and revealed that an aircraft carrying flame retardant was circling overhead as the firefighters were overcome. All but one member of the  fire crew died while protecting the small town of Yarnell from a wildfire.p.

6月19日美国亚利桑那州发生野火,导致19名消防员丧生,目前就此事故进行为期三月的调查表明受困者和援助人员之间沟通不畅,同时在消防员努力灭火时,一架装有阻燃剂的飞机盘旋在头 顶上空。在扑灭小镇雅纳尔野火的努力中,除了一名消防员外的另外四人均已丧生。

A day ahead of a rare meeting with his Pakistani counterpart, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that for any progress to be made Pakistan must put a  stop to attacks against its territory.


India is committed sincerely to resolving all issues with Pakistan, however, for progress to be made, it is imperative that the territory of Pakistan and the areas  under its control are not utilized for aiding and abetting terrorism directed against India.


Mr.Singh was addressing the UN General Assembly in New York. He is expected to meet the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Sunday.


A retired Chilean general who led the country’s intelligence agency during the rule of Augusto Pinochet has killed himself while on release from prison for the  weekend, Odlanier Mena was serving a 6-year jail term for three killings in 1970s, he was found guilty of belonging to a group of military officers accused of  executing more than 100 members of the opposition in the month following general Pinochet's cou奥古斯托·被控在奥古斯托·皮诺切特统治时期负责国家情报机构的智利退休将军在周末出狱之前自杀身亡,Odlanier Mena因20世纪70年代的三起杀人事件而服刑6年,他的罪名是隶属于一 军官组织,该组织被控在皮诺切特政变后杀害100名反对派。
