英语听力精选进阶版 10213(在线收听

The United States has announced it’s suspending another charge of military aid to Egypt until it’s seized more progress towards democracy. The State Department   spokeswoman said a review directed by President Obama had concluded that the US needed to recalibrate its assistance. Katy Watson reports from Washington.

美国宣布将暂停对埃及的另一轮军事援助,直到埃及在朝着民主方面取得更大进步为止。国务院女发言人称在总统奥巴马指示进行审查得出结论,美国需要重新校准其援助项目。凯蒂·沃森 在华盛顿报道。

The US has been under pressure to respond to the ousting of President Morsi but this announcement is more a slap on the wrist than severe punishment. In August, the US   delayed a delivery of F16 jets and canceled a joint military exercise. Now the State Department says it will withhold the further delivery of aircraft, tanks,  missiles  and helicopters as well as 260 million dollars in cash. But it will continue to provide funding for education, health, military training and assistance for  counter- terrorism and security in the Sinai Peninsula.

在应对总统穆尔西被废黜一事上美国一直面临压力,但这次宣布更多地是轻微的警告,而不是严重的惩罚。八月份,美国推迟了F16喷气式飞机的交付,并取消联合军事演习。如今国务院称将 继续推迟飞机、坦克、导弹和直升机,以及2.6亿美元现金的交付。但将继续就西奈半岛的反恐和安全事务提供教育、卫生、军事培训和援助。

President Obama has nominated Janet Yellen as the new head of the US Federal Reserve. Ms. Yellen is currently vice chair of the bank and will take over from Ben   Bernanke, its current head in January. President Obama urged the Senate to confirm Ms. Yellen’s straightaway. In her acceptance speech, she said more work needed to   be done to pull the economy away from the recession.

总统奥巴马提名珍妮特·耶伦为美联储新任主席。耶伦目前是该行副主席,将于明年一月份接替现任主席本·伯南克的职位。总统奥巴马敦促参议院批准耶伦担任此职。在接受职位的演讲中 ,耶伦说要将经济从衰退中拖出还需更多工作。

“Well we have to need progress. We have further to go. The mandate of the Federal Reserve is to serve all the American people and too many Americans still can’t find   a job and worry how they will pay their bills and provide for their families. The Federal Reserve can help if it does its job effectively.”

“我们必须取得进步,我们必须向前进,美联储的宗旨是服务全体美国人民,还有太多美国人仍找不到工作,为支付账单和养活家人担心。如果美联储能有效地做好工作,就能给美国人提供 帮助。”

The leader of the Pakistan Taliban Hakimullah Mehsud has told the BBC he wants to hold talks with the government. In a rare interview, the militant leader who’s been   blamed for thousands of killings in Pakistan and Afghanistan said the authorities had made no formal approach to his group. He said an end to an American drone strikes   would be necessary as part of any ceasefire. From Islamabad, Aleem Maqbool has more.

巴基斯坦塔利班领导人哈基穆拉· 马苏德告诉BBC希望与政府进行谈判。这位军事领导人因在巴基斯坦和阿富汗杀害数千人而受指责,他在采访中称当局目前并未与塔利班进行正式接触。他 说结束美国无人机打击必须是停火的必要部分,阿里姆·马克波尔在伊斯兰堡报道。

The backdrop is this huge debate in Pakistan about whether or not the government should talk to the Taliban, they came out four or five weeks ago and Nawaz Sharif, the   Prime Minister said "Yes, we're gonna to pursue a strategy. After talking to the Taliban ,it was gunmen that made that first move and you know it caused huge debate  in  this country. And so him coming out now and making the statement is interesting, you felt he was in a position of stress because he was saying to the government,  you  know, if you want those talks, you have to come to me."The governor of the US state of California has signed into law a bill that will allow nurses and middle  wives to perform some types of earlier abortions. The  legislation was put forward by the Democrats Assembly majority leader Toni Atkins who said it would extend  abortion services in the state. More than half the counties  in California currently have no abortion providers.

巴基斯坦这场大辩论的背景,是政府是否应该与塔利班进行谈判,事情开始于四五周前,总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫说,“是的,我们准备采取策略。在与塔利班谈判后,是这些武装分子采取第一 步,由于导致国内的这场大辩论。他现在站出来做出这个声明,这点很有趣,能感觉到他现在有压力,因为他说准备与政府谈判,要知道,如果想进行谈判,就必须来跟我谈。

美国加州州长签署一条法案成为法律,允许护士和助产士进行早期堕胎。这条法律是民主党大会多数派领袖Toni Atkins提出的,他说该法将把堕胎服务在州内推广。加州目前有一半以上的州 没有堕胎服务人员。

The Cuban Communist Party has replaced the editors of the country’s two main newspapers, Granma and Juventud Rebelde. The new editor of Granma, Pelayo Terry is seen   as less of a hardliner than his predecessor who has been in this job for eight years. Sarah Rainsford reports from Havana.

古巴共产党换掉该国两大报刊《格拉玛报》和《起义青年报》的编辑。《格拉玛报》的新闻编辑皮雷约·特里的前任担任辞职已8年,与前任相比,特里的立场不那么强硬。Sarah Rainsford 在哈瓦那报道。

Forty-seven-year-old Pelayo Terry has an account on Twitter and a blog where he enthuses about the role of social media in promoting dialogue between the press and the   public. His appointment and that of a new woman director at Cuba’s second paper is a shakeup that the Party described as a renewal. It’s the first significant step   since the Congress this summer where senior politicians called for a new type of journalism in Cuba in tune with the demand of the time and the society. Cuba has   always seen critical reporting as playing into the hands of its enemies.

47岁的皮雷约·特里在推特上有账户,还有博客,他在上面热衷于宣传社交媒体在推动媒体和公众对话的作用。古巴第二大报纸也换了新的女主管,这是该党所谓“复兴”的重组。今年夏天 ,高级政客们呼吁古巴建立新的记者制度,以适应时代和社会的需要,这次重组是自此之后采取的第一大步骤。古巴一致认为批评性的报道是对敌人有利的事。

A six-year-old child in Argentina has become the first underage person in the country to benefit from a new gender law. Her mother said the child was born with male   genitals and christened man will but began to identify herself as a girl as soon as she began to speak. The legislation allows children and teenagers to have their   gender officially changed without the need of authorization by a doctor or judge.

阿根廷一名6岁儿童成为该国首个受益于新性别法的未成年人。她的母亲说这孩子出生时有男性生殖器,取的男名,但在开始说话后认为自己是女孩。新法允许儿童和青少年在不经过医生或法 官授权的前提下正式修改其性别。

A gunman who fired more than 20 shots at a federal court building in the US state of West Virginia has died after police returned fire. The local mayor said he’d been   identified as a former police officer. Witnesses said he was armed with an assault raffle. Police say they are trying to establish a motive for the shooting.


A newly appointed football coach in Bulgaria has resigned after fans who didn’t want him to have the job stormed into his inaugurate news conference and striped him   off the team shirt. Ivaylo Petev called the incident extremely ugly and said he didn’t want to work with the team, Levski Sofia in such an environment. Fans accused   him of being a supporter of their big rivals CSKA Sofia.

在保加利亚一名新任足球教练在就职新闻发布会上,反对他担任辞职的粉丝们冲进现场并剥掉他的球队队服,这名教练只得辞职。伊瓦伊洛·彼得夫称这件事情节恶劣,称在这种情况下不希 望球队索非亚列夫斯基合作。粉丝们指责他是劲敌索非亚中央陆军足球队的支持者。
