英语听力精选进阶版 10214(在线收听

Republicans in the United States have proposed a temporarily increase in the amount the government can borrow to avert a debt default.The Speaker of the House of  Representatives John Boehner said that he would advance the measure if President Obama agreed to further negotiation on the budget dispute that has led to the partial  shutdown of the U.S. government. From Washington, here's Jenner Bryon..

美国共和党反对暂时增加政府借债规模以避免债务违约。众议院议长约翰·博纳称,如果总统奥巴马同意就部分导致政府关门的预算争议做进一步协商,他将推进该措施。 Jenner Bryon在华 盛顿报道。

In the budget crisis dominated by blame games and name throwing, today's move towards a even temporarily solution is being seen as a reason for optimism. Republican  House Speaker John Boehner says raising the government's borrowing limit for another six weeks would give both sides time to talk about broader spending cuts. 在这个被互相推诿主导的预算危机中,今天的暂时解决方案可算是乐观的一个理由。共和党议长约翰·博纳称,提高政府另外6周的借债限额将给双方更多时间来商讨更大幅度的开支削减问题 。

President Obama is likely to agree to the extension, but says he won't start budget negotiations until congress passes a funding bill that would reopen the government.  He's meeting 18 Republican lawmakers at the White House to try to persuade them to end the standoff.


The head of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde has warned that the continuing deadlock in Washington could do serious damage both to the American and  global economies. She said the IMF did not take sides in the political dispute, but the fiscal health of the United States must be put in order.


The president of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta has asked the International Criminal Court in the Hague to stop his trial before it begins,his lawyers say the defense witnesses  have been intimidated. Mr.Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto are accused of orchestrating a wave of violence that followed contested elections in 2007.Anna Holligan  has more on the documents presented by Mr Kenyatta's lawyers.

肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔海牙国际刑事法庭在开审自己之前请求停止审判,他的律师说辩方证人遭受恐吓。肯雅塔和副手威廉姆·鲁托在2007年竞争激烈的选举后策划系列暴力事件。安娜 ·霍丽甘报道肯雅塔律师提供的文件。

They say there is serious evidence to prove that three prosecution witnesses and one intermediary were involved in a series and sustained conspiracy to pervert the  court of justice. They say the witnesses paid other witnesses to change their evidence to support the prosecution's case. They also accused the prosecution of failing  to investigate the authenticity of its own witnesses. According to Uhuru Kenyatta's lawyers, to continue with the trial now could results in a serious miscarriage of  justice.

他们说有重大证据表明,控方证人和一名仲裁者参与系列持续阴谋中以阻扰法院,他们称这些目击者收买其他目击者来改变证词,以支持控方。他们还指责控方未能调查自己目击者的真实性 。乌胡鲁·肯雅塔的律师说,继续进行审判会导致严重误判。
