英语听力精选进阶版 10215(在线收听

Another boat carrying hundreds of migrants has sunk between Sicily and Tunisia with dozens of people reported dead. The Italian coastguard says that many of the  estimated 250 on board have been rescued. Matthew Price reports from the Italian island of Lampedusa.

又一艘搭载着数百名移民的船只在西西里和突尼斯之间沉没,据报道,数十人死亡。意大利海岸警卫队表示,船上大约有250人,许多人获救。Matthew Price在意大利蓝佩杜萨岛报道。

Just before sunset, way out in the Mediterranean another migrant boat sank. Some reports say the people on board were trying to attract the attention of an aircraft  flying overhead. They had crowded to one side of the boat and it capsized. The Italian navy had several vessels in the area. They managed to get their helicopters to  the scene quickly as did Maltese forces. They began hauling people out of the water. Many were saved, many were not. Others also perished in the Mediterranean today  off the coast of Egypt and more people were rescued from flimsy craft elsewhere in the sea.

就在日落之前,又一艘移民船只在地中海出口处沉没。一些报道称,船上乘客试图吸引头顶飞过的一架飞机的注意。他们挤到船只的一边,导致船只倾覆。意大利海军在该区域有几艘帆船, 他们迅速派遣直升机到达现场,马尔他军队也尽快赶来。他们把落水的人们从水中拉上来,许多人获救,也有许多人遇难。就在今天,也有许多人在地中海埃及海岸遇难,更多人在海上其他 地方被小船搭救。

The Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has accused an unnamed political party in the country’s parliament of carrying out his brief abduction on Wednesday. Mr Zeidan  said his captors had made clear who was behind their action, which he described as an attempted coup. From Tripoli, Rana Jawad.

利比亚总理扎伊丹(Ali Zeidan)指控议会一政党在周三实施了对他短暂的绑架,但是并未提及政党名称。扎伊丹表示,他非常清楚绑架者的意图,就是以武力推翻政府。的黎波里,Rana  Jawad报道。

Describing his political opponents as a dangerous minority within the country’s elected national congress, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan stopped short of naming them. In  an address to the nation with members of his cabinet standing staunchly around him, Mr Zeidan shed light on an internal political struggle that has long been seen here  as the source of Libya’s lack of progress since the end of the war in 2011. He said his government’s plans to rebuild institutions have been opposed and that his  opponents within the country’s legislative body make sure they failed or never happened. He blamed the unnamed political bloc within congress for his abduction.

扎伊丹总理称其政治对手是选举产生的国民代表大会中危险的少数派,但是并未提及具体的名称。在向全体国民发表讲话时,内阁成员牢固地守护在他的周围,扎伊丹指出,长期的内部政治 僵局是自2011年内战结束以来利比亚缺乏进展的根源。他表示,政府重建制度的计划被阻挠,国家立法体系反对者导致计划失败或未能得以实施。他谴责国会中未提及姓名的党派实施了对他 的绑架。

The African Union says it will increase its force in Somalia by around a third to step up its fight against militants from the Islamist group al-Shabab. The AU said  its mission in Somalia, Amisom, would have more than 6,000 additional troops,taking the total number to 24,000. The request must be approved by the UN Security  Council.

非洲联盟表示,他们将把驻索马里力量增加三分之一,加强对伊斯兰组织青年党激进分子的打击。非洲联盟表示,他们驻索马里行动任务将增加6,000人的军队,总数将达到24,000人。该要求 必须得到联合国安理会批准。

President Obama has held more talks with Republicans.

