英语听力精选进阶版 10216(在线收听

A powerful cyclone has hit the east coast of India forcing half a million people to flee their homes. Cyclone Phailin is buffeting Orissa's state with winds up to  200km/hour. So far, at least five people have died. Our correspondent Sanjoy Majumder is in the region, he described the intensity of the storm.

印度东南海岸发生强飓风,迫使近50万人离开家园。飓风以每小时200千米的速度袭击了奥里萨邦,到目前为止,至少5人丧生。记者Sanjoy Majumder在该地区采访,他描述了飓风的威力。

We step up for a brief moment, we could barely stand on our feet, we'd come back right in. And there has been accompanied with very, very heavy rain, in the distance  we frequently hear the sounds of bang of things coming down, of windows being smashed and already we're getting reports of power line which have come down, the trees  that have been brought down, of houses with their roofs blown off.

我们走快了一小会儿,几乎无法站立,已经退了回来。和飓风一起的还有非常强的降雨,能不时听到东西坠落的巨响,有窗户被摔碎的声音,我们还得到有关电线倒落的报道,还有树被吹倒 ,有的房屋屋顶被掀掉。

The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has lambasted the International Criminal Court where he faces trial for crimes against humanity as racist, biased and means for  western governments to interfere in Africa. Addressing African leaders in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, Mr. Kenyatta said the ICC had become a toy of the  declining imperial powers. The African Union has passed the resolution that no sitting African head of state should appear before any international court. Gabriel  Gatehouse reports.

被ICC指控以反人道罪而面临审判的肯尼亚总统乌呼鲁·肯雅塔对国际刑事法庭(ICC)表示强烈指责,他称ICC持种族主义观点、有偏见,是西方政府用以干预非洲的工具。肯雅塔在埃塞俄比亚 首都亚的斯亚贝巴向非洲领导人发表讲话,他说ICC已成为堕落的帝国主义的工具。非盟通过决议,规定非洲现任国家元首不应该出现在任何国际法庭。Gabriel Gatehouse报道。

The Kenyan president has repeatedly sought the deferral to his trial at the International Criminal Court which is due to start an exactly one month time, though the  request has been repeatedly rebuffed. Now the African Union says Uhuru Kenyatta should not attend the trial unless the court agrees to postpone proceedings. The Pan- African body accuses the International Criminal Court of biased on its current cases related to alleged crimes committed in Africa. President Kenatta has always  maintained he'd cooperated fully with the ICC, diplomats in Kenya say failure to do so would have consequences.

国际刑事法庭准备在一月后开始审判肯雅塔,这位肯尼亚总统已多次请求延迟审判,但这个请求屡次遭拒绝。现在非盟称除非法庭同意推迟审判,否则乌呼鲁·肯雅塔不应该参加审判。该泛 非洲机构指责国际刑事法庭持有偏见,其目前的案子中所谓在非洲犯下的罪行是莫须有的。总统肯雅塔一直表示自己完全配合ICC的工作,肯尼亚外交官称这一点做不到的话会有严重后果。

The US and Afghanistan say they have agreed the terms of the security deal to take effect after the main foreign combat forces leave the country at the end of the next  year. It follows talks in Kabul between the US Secretary of State John Kerry and the African President Hamid Karzai.

